Peterborough Humane Society's Inaugural 50/50 Lottery & Owen’s ‘Ruff’le Raises Nearly $35,000

Peterborough Humane Society (PHS) concluded its inaugural 50/50 lottery and Owen’s ‘Ruff’le, randomly drawing two winning names from last Wednesday afternoon.

Si Grobler (left), Darlene (middle) and Kevin MacKenzie (right) celebrating the 50/50 win of $21,807.50 at the Peterborough Animal Care Centre. Photo courtesy of the PHS.

Darlene of Peterborough won the $21,807.50 grand prize from the 50/50 draw while Kathryn Sheridan of Peterborough was the lucky winner from the Owen’s ‘Ruff’le. She walks away with Loll Designs patio chairs, valued at over $1700.

The inaugural PHS 50/50 Lottery ran from March 13 to April 17, raising $34,857.50 for the Peterborough Humane Society's animals in need.

“I continue to be impressed and humbled by our supporters here in Peterborough, across the Kawartha Region, and the entire province for their generous support of what we do”, said Shawn Morey, PHS executive director.

Plans are already underway for the second iteration of the PHS 50/50 Lottery according to a press release.

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Unclaimed OLG Ticket in Buckhorn Worth $10,000

There are two weeks left to claim an ENCORE prize worth $10,000 from the Wednesday, April 13, 2022 ONTARIO 49 draw.

file photo.

The winning numbers were 3 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 9 – 5 – 4 and the winning ticket was sold in Buckhorn.

Players must match the first six of the seven ENCORE numbers in exact order to win the $10,000 prize. Players have one year from the draw date to claim their prize.

The owner(s) of this ticket should fill in the back portion, sign it and contact OLG Customer Care at 1-800-387-0098.

OLG reminds players that they can check their tickets for winners from home in a number of convenient ways: 

  • Check the winning numbers on

  • Use the OLG App on your mobile device. Scan the ticket barcode and wait for the message to appear on the screen.

  • Sign up on for winning numbers to be emailed to you.

  • Call our WIN! Line at 416-870-8946 (Toronto area) or toll free at 1-866-891-8946 (outside Toronto area).

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Port Hope Woman Wins Top Prize of $1 Million From Instant Ultimate

Port Hope has a new millionaire in Denielle Elliott as she won the top prize of $1 million with Instant Ultimate held from the Dec. 31 draw.

Photo courtesy of OLG.

She heard about the odds of winning a million to be one in 3.55 from an OLG radio advertisement that convinced her to purchase a ticket at Davis’ Your Independent Grocer on Jocelyn Street in Port Hope.

“I decided to buy one because of the great odds to win $1 million,” said Elliott.

She was in disbelief when she discovered her big win while at the grocery store.

“I decided to check my ticket and when I saw the ‘Big Winner’ screen I was stunned – it didn’t feel real,” explained Elliott.

The money will help pay off Elliott’s mortgage and finish home renovations before having fun with it.

“I have special people in my life who will enjoy this win with me,” she said. “I plan to celebrate with a girls’ trip for some fun in the sun. I don’t know what I did to deserve this blessing.”

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Cobourg Woman Wins $77,777 On Instant Diamond 7s

Corrine Mueller of Cobourg won the highest prize of $77,777 on INSTANT DIAMOND 7s announced on Tuesday.

Photo courtesy of OLG.

The 48-year-old building manager said that this was her first big lottery win.

“It was 2 a.m. when I actually played my ticket and realized I won big. My heart was beating so fast, I was so excited,” she said.

When she told her husband with five kids of the win, he didn’t believe her at first.

"We always joke that we have a winning ticket so of course he thought I was joking again," she said. "That’s when he checked for himself and we hugged each other and jumped up and down. It was great!"

Mueller wants to put a down payment on a house, and a new car and plans to go on a cruise with her winnings.

The winning ticket was purchased at the Port Hope ONMarket on the Highway 401 Eastbound ONroute. The payment was given on Oct. 4.

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Peterborough Man Wins Over $50,000 in Lotto Max Win

Peterborough’s Wayne Palmer is $52,113.10 richer after winning a LOTTO MAX second prize in the Aug. 9, draw announced on Thursday.

Photo courtesy of OLG.

His winning ticket was purchased at Pioneer Snack Express on Lansdowne Street in Peterborough.

The 56-year-old father of two said this was his first big win.

"I mostly play LOTTO MAX and LOTTO 6/49," said Palmer. "This win feels good. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone."

He says his plans for the money are going towards some bills, saving for a trip and helping take care of his children.

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Lotto Max Draw Major Winning Ticket Believed To Be Sold In Peterborough

According to OLG, tickets worth $1 Million in Tuesday nights Lotto Max draw were sold in Peterborough.

Photo by Durham Radio News.

If Peterborough residents purchased a ticket for Tuesday nights draw, OLG suggests they check them.

According to OLG, 14 ticket holders in Canada also won all or a portion of Maxmillions draws, nine of them being in Ontario.

Visit for winning numbers.

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$100,000 Lottery Ticket Prize Left Unclaimed From Peterborough

Time is ticking for a lucky lottery winner as they have two weeks to claim a $100,000 ENCORE prize from the June 12 Lotto 6/49 draw announced Friday.

Photo courtesy of OLG.

The winning selection was 8974336 and the winning ticket was sold in Peterborough.

Players must match the last six of the seven ENCORE numbers in exact order to win the $100,000 prize. Players have one year from the draw date to claim their prize.

The owner(s) of this ticket should fill in the back portion, sign it and contact Ontario Lottery Gaming (OLG) Customer Care at 1-800-387-0098.

OLG says players can check their tickets for winners in several ways from home:

  • Check the winning numbers on

  • Use the OLG App on your mobile device. Scan the ticket barcode and wait for the message to appear on the screen.

  • Sign up on for winning numbers to be emailed to you.

  • Call their WIN! Line at 416-870-8946 (Toronto area) or toll-free at 1-866-891-8946 (outside Toronto area).

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PRHC Foundation Launches First-Ever Online 50/50 Lottery

The PRHC Foundation announced the launch of its first online 50/50 Lottery in support of patient care at Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC), on Tuesday.

Photo courtesy of PRHC Foundation.

Photo courtesy of PRHC Foundation.

By participating in the Foundation’s newest fundraising initiative, ticket buyers can win cash and prizes online while supporting the PRHC Foundation.

“We all want the best possible patient care for our loved ones, but government funding doesn’t cover all the hospital’s needs,” said Lesley Heighway, PRHC Foundation President and CEO. “That’s why the support of the community is so important. The proceeds from the new 50/50 Lottery will help fund the equipment and technology that form the foundation of patient care. They’ll help bring new lifesaving services to our region, and enable PRHC to attract the best doctors, nurses and staff to our hospital.”

The jackpot is over $7,000 and growing, with a bonus prize of a $2,500 Resorts of Ontario Gift Certificate (or a $2,000 cash bonus).

The grand prize winner will be announced on October 28, 2021. Two early bird draws will provide additional chances to win, with cash prizes awarded every hour from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on October 8 and 22.

Tickets are available online only.

Ticket options include 10 tickets for $10, 40 tickets for $20, 160 tickets for $40 or 400 tickets for $75. Ticket buyers must be 18 years of age or older and in the province of Ontario to play.

For more information, visit or email

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Douro Resident Goes Comfortably Numb After Winning $100,000 Playing Encore

Fifty-nine-year-old Douro carpenter Louis Prins says he went “numb” when he realized he had won $100,000 with ENCORE (May 17th LOTTO MAX draw). "I was at the store picking up bread and milk when I checked my ticket," he laughs.

Louis matched six of the seven ENCOREnumbers in exact order to win the $100,000 prize. "I play LOTTARIO, LOTTO 6/49 and LOTTO MAX—this is my first big win," says Louis.

His winning ticket was purchased at Steve's Quik Chek Variety on Armour Road in Peterborough.

Louis plans on using his winnings to complete some home renovations, buy a truck and a four-wheeler. "It feels really awesome to get this kind of money," he says.

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Yet Another Person From Peterborough Just Won The Lottery

Remember that post we did earlier this year called Peterborough People Keep Winning In The Lottery?

Well yep, another person from Peterborough just won in the lottery.

Penelope Baptie

Penelope Baptie

Congrats to Penelope Baptie of Peterborough, who won $100,000 in the April 10th ENCORE draw. She purchased the ticket at the Canadian Tire Gas Bar on Lansdowne St. W.

Baptie plans to buy a car, take a vacay, pay the bills, and invest the rest.

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