Cobourg Woman Wins $77,777 On Instant Diamond 7s

Corrine Mueller of Cobourg won the highest prize of $77,777 on INSTANT DIAMOND 7s announced on Tuesday.

Photo courtesy of OLG.

The 48-year-old building manager said that this was her first big lottery win.

“It was 2 a.m. when I actually played my ticket and realized I won big. My heart was beating so fast, I was so excited,” she said.

When she told her husband with five kids of the win, he didn’t believe her at first.

"We always joke that we have a winning ticket so of course he thought I was joking again," she said. "That’s when he checked for himself and we hugged each other and jumped up and down. It was great!"

Mueller wants to put a down payment on a house, and a new car and plans to go on a cruise with her winnings.

The winning ticket was purchased at the Port Hope ONMarket on the Highway 401 Eastbound ONroute. The payment was given on Oct. 4.

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Five Counties Children’s Centre Opens Newest Smilezones At Cobourg Location

Five Counties Children’s Centre has announced the opening of their newest Smilezones at their Cobourg Site (800 Division Street), which serves more than 1,000 children and youth each year.

Generously donated by Smilezone Foundation, the bright, fun Smilezones include murals, sensory toys, and drawing boards—improving the experience for children and families visiting the Centre.

Photo courtesy Five Counties Children’s Centre

“We are very happy the children and families in the Northumberland area can now enjoy this warm, welcoming environment,” says Kristy Hook, Vice Chair Five Counties Children’s Centre Board of Directors.

“The change is incredible,” adds Diane Pick, CEO of Five Counties Children’s Centre. “The work of the amazing volunteers who transformed our space over one weekend has created an inviting, friendly place for our clients and families to spend time while they are here for therapy and appointments.”

Photo courtesy Five Counties Children’s Centre

“Each Smilezone at the Site has been created to represent a different aspect of Northumberland County life,” says Elizabeth Carmichael, Program Manager at the Cobourg Site.

“In addition to the Welcome Message in our reception area, the extremely talented Smilezone artist has created murals depicting the neighbouring farm community, beach, rolling hills and forest.”

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PTBOPics: Peterborough's Carl Teeple Creation At Cobourg Sandcastle Festival


Carl Teeple was representing Peterborough at the Cobourg Sandcastle Festival this weekend. Here he is, hard at work on this year's masterpiece.


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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