Peterborough Blogs
Road Construction Will Slow Traffic Throughout Peterborough
/The City of Peterborough has started sealing the cracks in the City’s roads this week. This helps lengthen the life of the road, preventing water infiltration.
Unfortunately that also means that many roads will be reduced to single lanes in either direction. Check out the City’s handy online map to see where construction is currently slowing down your commute (denoted in purple).
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Construction Is Now Resuming At Scotts Mills Dam In Peterborough
/Parks Canada’s construction projects are considered part of the Agency’s critical services to the public. As such, work has continued on them over the past several weeks, including Scotts Mills Dam.
Construction of the first two sluices and completion of the secant retaining wall on the eastern shoreline of the Scotts Mills Dam is set to resume as early as this week. Work will not include pile driving at this time.
The Scotts Mills Dam at Lock 19 is centrally located and as such remains an important part of the Peterborough community by way of public space, flood mitigation, environmental protection and through navigation. As construction progresses, curiosity builds for what the finished dam will look like.
Below is a rendering of what it will look like…
-> The Scotts Mills Dam at Lock 19 is in the process of being fully replaced with a new dam that respects the historic look of the site (see rendering above) and has a life expectancy of more than 80 years.
-> The new dam will optimize hydraulic capacity, increase the safety of water management operations, and be constructed in a way that allows improved access for maintenance activities.
-> In addition, the project will be the first step in creating a more public friendly lock site, with pedestrian access onto the dam itself once restored.
· Demolition and excavation are almost complete with construction of the pier, base slab and stilling basin to follow.
· Pile driving is projected to resume in June, and additional construction noise can be expected.
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Peterborough Releases Interactive Road Construction Map
/The City's Infrastructure and Planning Services Department Engineering Division has launched an interactive map identifying road construction work.
The interactive map shows the road construction projects throughout the City, listing project contact information, anticipated completion date and details on the type of work being performed. The map also identifies new subdivisions currently under development.
Crack Seal
Road Reconstruction
Sewer Replacement / Spot Repairs
Sidewalk (Public Works) - Reconstruction
Sidewalk/Trail - New Construction