Homegrown Chef Lives Dream of Opening Downtown Pizzeria

After almost 20 years in the cooking business, chef Sean Crooks gets to be his own boss by opening Pizza Bodega in downtown Peterborough in a grand opening on Friday.

Pizza Bodega’s logo was designed by Sean Crooks’s significant other. Photo by David Tuan Bui

Pizza Bodega’s logo was designed by Sean Crooks’s significant other. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Pizza Bodega is Crooks’s first business and is located at the side of Spanky’s bar on Hunter Street beside the Simcoe Parking Garage.

The restaurant models after New York-style pizza with a thinner crust and a bigger pie compared to most conventional places.

The opportunity to open a business came from his friendship with Matt Russelle, Spanky’s owner, who asked Crooks to supply the food for his business.

"Spanky and I have jokingly talked about working together here and there over the years," said Crooks. "The timing just happened and it seemed to be the right time and here we are."

Sean Crooks has also worked in Prince Edward County and abroad in Western Canada. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Sean Crooks has also worked in Prince Edward County and abroad in Western Canada. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Crooks’s cooking career has had pizza follow him wherever he has gone. That made the decision to open a pizzeria as his first business venture.

Several of Pizza Bodega’s ingredients are sourced either locally or within Ontario including dry-cured pepperoni, smoked ham and spiced ground wagyu. Gluten-free and vegan options will be available on the menu.

"Everybody loves pizza and (I’m) trying to make the pizza fun and not too pretentious,” said Crooks.

Sean Crooks has worked in several Peterborough kitchens such as Primal Cuts, Gerti’s and Capra Toro. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Sean Crooks has worked in several Peterborough kitchens such as Primal Cuts, Gerti’s and Capra Toro. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

All customers attending Pizza Bodega’s grand opening will receive a free entry for concert tickets to The Arkells. The pizzeria is open from Tuesdays to Saturdays.

The restaurant opened this week for a friends-and-family event on Wednesday and a take-out window on Thursday. The grand opening will feature a full outdoor back patio with live music and beer samples.

"It is my very first venture out on my own so it's definitely very challenging, said Crooks. "There's a lot more to deal with than just the kitchen side of things now I'm taking on the entire animal but I'm super excited and super nervous. I just want to see where this goes."

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Will Dance For Night Kitchen Pizza

This boy dancing to Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" at The Night Kitchen on Hunter Street wins the internet today. It was posted to The downtown pizzeria's Instagram page. The kid has the moves.

Watch it below.

And give him his pizza.

The Smooth Criminal dancing for his pizza #smoothcriminal #michaeljackson #pizza

A post shared by The Night Kitchen (@thenightkitchen) on

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Papa John's Pizza Opening Location in Peterborough

The retail chain Papa John's will be opening a pizzeria in Peterborough as they also celebrate 30 years in business.

The restaurant will be opening on Lansdowne Street West, just behind A&W.

They are looking for part-time and full time delivery men. [update: "people", we meant]

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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You Can Now Order The PtboCanada.com Pizza From Southside Pizzeria

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Yep, we have a pizza named after us. "The PTBOCanada.com" (see pic below) is now available at Southside Pizzeria, located at 25 Lansdowne St W. Available in sizes small through extra large, this original recipe includes: sausage, red onion, feta cheese, blended cheese, BBQ sauce, tomato sauce, and Peameal bacon. We've sampled it, and it's delicious. (Note: each topping is optional!) To order it or any other pizza there, call 705.748.6120. (Optional but fun: Email us or tweet us @Ptbo_Canada and @SouthSidePizzer when you order "The PTBOCanada.com"—and tweeting or emailing us pictures of you eating it are even more fun!)  —By Aaron Elliott

"The PTBOCanada.com" at Southside

"The PTBOCanada.com" at Southside

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