You Can Now Order The Pizza From Southside Pizzeria
/Yep, we have a pizza named after us. "The" (see pic below) is now available at Southside Pizzeria, located at 25 Lansdowne St W. Available in sizes small through extra large, this original recipe includes: sausage, red onion, feta cheese, blended cheese, BBQ sauce, tomato sauce, and Peameal bacon. We've sampled it, and it's delicious. (Note: each topping is optional!) To order it or any other pizza there, call 705.748.6120. (Optional but fun: Email us or tweet us @Ptbo_Canada and @SouthSidePizzer when you order "The"—and tweeting or emailing us pictures of you eating it are even more fun!) —By Aaron Elliott
"The" at Southside
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