Six Fleming College Paramedic Students Take An Icy Dip For Campbellford Memorial Hospital

Six Fleming College Paramedic students are taking the plunge to benefit Campbellford Memorial Hospital’s campaign to buy a new CT scanner, announced on Friday.

Fleming’s plunge from last year. Photo courtesy of Fleming College.

The Medic Mavericks team consists of Fleming students Danielle Blavert, Theo Guenther, Keyanna O’Rourke, Emily Escott, Maddie Mason-Gaynor, and Taiya Martin.

A goal of $1,000 is set to help the hospital’s cause.

The students will be dressed in their paramedic uniforms and will brave Trent River’s frigid temperatures on Saturday at noon. They will jumpfrom the shoreline at Lion’s Club Park in Campbellford. 

Donors can go online to give to the Medic Maverick’s campaign.

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Mass Casualty Incident Simulation Puts Hands-On Learning To The Test at Fleming College

Students in multiple Fleming College programs put their hands-on learning to the test in a Mass Casualty Incident simulation at the Sutherland Campus on Tuesday.

photo courtesy of fleming College.

The exercise started at 9:30 a.m. and lasted into the early afternoon, led by students in the Paramedic, Pre-Service Fighter Education and Training and Pre-Health Sciences programs.

The stimulation had emergency vehicles on site, and the exercise involved students and volunteers dressed up to appear distressed or injured.

Fleming says the simulation is a valuable, hands-on learning experience for students to apply their knowledge in a realistic scenario.

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Fleming College Paramedic Students Taking the Plunge for Campbellford Memorial Hospital

Six polar-plunging paramedic students are getting ready to take part in the icy Lake Ontario dip in support of the Campbellford Memorial Hospital (CMH) announced Wednesday.  

Photo courtesy of Fleming College Facebook.

Danielle Balvert, Sam Joyce, Hannah Carson, Stephan Nguyen-Duong, Theo Guenther and Taiya Martin are the Fleming students taking part in this year’s 31st annual Polar Plunge. The team has already raised $697 to support the hospital.

These students are passionate about community involvement and hope to raise money to help fund new equipment for CMH to help improve patient care and experience. 

The plunge takes place at the Lion’s Club Park in Campbellford on Jan. 28 at noon.  

Donate and support the students and CMH here.  

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Fleming College Offering Additional Intake To Paramedic Program To Meet Growing Need

Fleming College is adding another intake of students to its in-demand and highly successful Paramedic program.  

File Photo.

The program begins in January and will run for four consecutive semesters. Students can apply now.  

Paramedic program students learn in classrooms, laboratories, clinics, and alongside medical professionals in a real-world setting.  

The program also prepares students to write the Advanced Emergency Medical Care Assistant examination (AEMCA). The AEMCA is a provincial test required for all Paramedic graduates who wish to seek employment in the field.  

Last year Fleming students had a 100 per cent pass rate in the AEMCA exam with scores 4 per cent above the provincial average.  

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Peterborough Paramedics Save Baby Boy

[Chex Newswatch]

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