Applications Open For the 2024 Peterborough Youth Council

The City of Peterborough is now accepting applications for the Peterborough Youth Council 2024 term for anyone between 12 and 21 who lives or attends school in town.

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The Peterborough Youth Council is a voice for youth in our community. Members bring their ideas and energy to organizing and participating in community events. Youth Council members attend monthly meetings and collaborate with Recreation and Parks Services staff to plan community events.

This Council counts towards volunteer hours for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

“I’ve enjoyed working with outstanding young people on the Peterborough Youth Council over the years,” said Councillor Lesley Parnell. “The Youth Council contributes a lot of valuable perspectives to community events, in turn members gain valuable experience and make new friends. I encourage anyone who is interested to apply.”

“The young people in Peterborough are the future of our community. We value their perspectives and welcome their input,” said Councillor Gary Baldwin. “Peterborough Youth Council is an opportunity to develop our leaders of tomorrow, while offering lots of fun along the way.”

Applications are due by April 26 at 4:30 p.m.

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City Of Peterborough Accepting Applications For Youth Council

The City of Peterborough is now accepting applications for the Peterborough Youth Council 2022-2023 term.

File Photo.

Young people between the ages of 12 and 21 who live or attend school in Peterborough are invited to apply to become a member of the Peterborough Youth Council.

The Peterborough Youth Council is a voice for youth in the community. Members can bring their ideas and energy to organizing and being involved in community events. This is a volunteer position, and the volunteer hours can be used towards students’ Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Youth are invited to visit the City’s website at to learn more and complete an online application. Applications are due by July 25 at 4:30 p.m.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. Write to us at Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.


Peterborough Youth Council Application Deadline Extended

The City of Peterborough has extended the deadline for applications to the Peterborough Youth Council for anyone aged 12-21 until Jan 31 at 4:30 p.m. announced Friday.

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Students within the eligible ages in Peterborough are invited to apply to become a member of the Peterborough Youth Council for the 2022 term.

Being a member includes:

  • Be a voice for youth

  • Get involved with community events

  • Plan events for youth

  • Attend monthly meetings ( COVID-19 protocols in place)

  • Work as a team

  • Volunteer hours can be used towards your Ontario Secondary School Diploma

In accordance with the City of Peterborough COVID-19 Workplace Vaccination Policy, all volunteers are required to provide proof that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to beginning their volunteer role.

Visit the City’s website to learn more and complete an application.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. Write to us at Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

City Accepting Applications For Peterborough Youth Council

The City of Peterborough is now accepting applications for the Peterborough Youth Council 2022 term.

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Young people between the ages of 12 and 21 who live or attend school in Peterborough are invited to apply to become a member of the Peterborough Youth Council.

The Peterborough Youth Council is a voice for youth in the community. Members can bring their ideas and energy to organizing and being involved in community events.

This is a volunteer position, and the volunteer hours can be used towards students’ Ontario Secondary School Diploma. In accordance with the City of Peterborough - COVID-19 Workplace Vaccination Policy, all volunteers are required to provide proof that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to beginning their volunteer role.

Visit the City’s website at to learn more and complete an application.

The application deadline is January 16, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. Write to us at Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

Applications Open For City of Peterborough Youth Council

The City of Peterborough is now accepting applications for the Peterborough Youth Council 2021-2022 term. Young people between the ages of 10 and 21 who live or attend school in Peterborough are invited to apply to become a member of the Peterborough Youth Council.

Photo courtesy of the City of Peterborough

Photo courtesy of the City of Peterborough

The Peterborough Youth Council is a voice for youth in our community. Members can bring their ideas and energy to organizing and being involved in community events.

The Youth Council ten-month term runs from September to June.

This is a volunteer position, and the volunteer hours can be used towards students’ Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Youth are invited to visit the City’s website to learn more and complete an application. The application deadline is September 3, 2021 at 4:30 pm.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Write to us at Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

Be The Change: Peterborough Youth Council Accepting Applications

Youth, here is your chance to make a difference by becoming a member of the Peterborough Youth Council.

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Image via

The Peterborough Youth Council is now receiving applications for their 2015-2016 Term.

The 10-member Youth Council will engage, assist and empower young people in Peterborough to take action in addressing youth issues in our community.

This opportunity will provide members with leadership skills, responsibility and a chance to contribute positively to their community. The Youth Council will also provide networking possibilities with other youth and adults in our community.

Applications are available to youth between the ages of 10 to 21, residing or attending school in the City of Peterborough. To learn more, visit, or email here.

**The application deadline is Friday, May 15th by 4:30 p.m.

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