Peterborough Blogs
Public Invited to 'Curl With Cathy Funspeil' to Support Trent Student-Athletes On Feb. 15
/To support student-athletes, Trent University’s Athletics & Recreation invites the public to join their president, Cathy Bruce, for the inaugural ‘Curl with Cathy Funspeil’ held at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club on Feb. 15.
Photo courtesy of Trent University and the Peterborough Golf and Country Club.
The proceeds go towards Trent’s Green & White Athletics Financial Awards. It is given to entering student-athletes who achieved an entering academic average above 80 per cent and have been recruited for Trent athletics.
No curling experience is necessary to participate as it is a non-competitive tournament. All required equipment, such as sliders, grippers and brooms, are provided.
Each team will play two six-end games from an early draw (9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.) or a late draw (11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.).
The cost is $100 per person and includes a $70 charitable donation receipt and a lunch buffet.
Registration is open to groups of four or for individuals. Those looking to register can sign up online.
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Peterborough Golf and Country Club Opens Registration For Curling This Season
/Peterborough Golf and Country Club is inviting anyone of all skill levels to join them as registration for curling has opened.
Photo courtesy of the Peterborough Golf and COuntry Club.
Their Learn to Curl program trains those 'new to the game' or those looking for a refresher. Experienced volunteer coaches instruct members on mechanics, skills and strategies.
By the end of the program, participants will successfully and competently enjoy fun competition on the ice and the following fellowship according to a press release.
This program includes club equipment, off-ice sessions, on-ice instruction and gameplay.
After completing the program, the graduates are invited to join the Novice League and can spare or join other leagues if space is available.
The program runs Wednesdays from 5:15 to 7:15 p.m., Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27, and Saturdays on Nov. 2 and 16 from 9 a.m. to noon. Space is limited.
This program costs $400 + HST for 21 weeks of play. To sign up, contact Kurtis at or call the Pro Shop at 705-760- 9665.
Back this year is the Junior Program. Starting in January, children ages seven to 14 will participate in a seven-week instruction program as an introduction to this favourite winter sport.
Experienced coaches will provide on and off-ice instruction and an introduction to the etiquette and rules of the game.
This program costs $175 + HST and includes snacks and a mini-bonspiel to celebrate your child’s new skills.
Contact the club at for the program schedule and details.
PGCC has leagues ranging from Day Women's to Senior Men's, Evening Women's, Novice and Doubles. The Club is hosting an open house on Sept. 6th from 6 to 8 p.m.
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The 15th Annual Berlett Cup Kicks Off Men's League Play At the Peterborough Golf & Country Club
/To kick off the men’s golf season, the prestigious 15th-annual Berlett Cup began for the Peterborough Golf & Country Club (PGCC) on Tuesday afternoon.
Connor Blair (left) and Taylor Blair (right) were co-captains of the defending-champion team, ‘Team Birdie Juice’ and plan to win the title for a second-straight year. Photo by David Tuan Bui.
The Cup is a summer league that runs from May to September. It is comprised of eight teams of 20. This year, 173 golfers including several new members participated in this year’s Cup.
Ian Armstrong, PGCC director, says the league highlights the spirit of golf and is a great way to kick off the season.
“It speaks to the culture of friendship, camaraderie, healthy competition, having fun and trying to shoot the best golf scores you can,” he explained. “The numbers demonstrate how much people love this day; it's the highlight of their week and it's the highlight of the summer golf schedule at the club.”
The tournament is named after the late Dan Berlett, who was a well-respected longtime member and former president of the PGCC.
“Dan was all about camaraderie, competitiveness, fairness and most importantly, getting men together and socializing after a round,” said Kurtis Sweeting, PGCC sport director.
Photo by David Tuan Bui.
The draft occurred a few weeks before the event. Last year’s defending champions were ‘Team Birdie Juice.’ Connor Blair, a member of the winning team, says the league brings out the golfers' competitiveness but in a fun and sportsmanlike way.
“It's quite competitive,” he explained. “Obviously we're out here to have fun but when strokes matter and you're playing against teams each and every week, I would say it can get heated at times and it's not out of the normal to see a two-footer be a gimmie late in the playoffs because you want to make sure everyone makes everything.”
The league marks the beginning of the golf season for everyone at PGCC. The golfers' eagerness to hit the links for the Berlett Cup is obvious according to PGCC members and staff.
“It (The Berlett Cup) speaks to number one, to the culture here at Peterborough,” said Blair. “We always get such a good showing and it's a very inclusive club. Whether you're brand new to the game or if you've played for 20 years, it's not uncommon to have a beer and meet someone for the first time or play with your buddies that you've played with for 10-plus years.”
“This event speaks to the culture and values of the club that we come together on a weekly basis to celebrate our friendship and our membership,” said Armstrong.
“This was a lot of members' home opener,” explained Sweeting. “We didn't get to open the men's officially due to weather but this is basically our official opening and the guys are excited.”
The PGCC hosted its Ladies Open tournament on Tuesday.
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Peterborough Golf & Country Club Growing Women's Golf As Longstanding Ladies Open Sees 65 Golfers Tee Off
/With golf season back in full swing, 65 women hit the links for the annual Ladies Open at the Peterborough Golf & Country Club (PGCC) on Tuesday afternoon.
Photo by David Tuan Bui.
The tournament has been with the PGCC for several decades spanning over 125 years of being in town. It has been a long-standing tradition to the course the continues to grow women’s golf each year.
“The ladies are really the lifeblood of this club,” said Jermaine Brissett, PGCC general manager. “They are involved in absolutely everything and they contribute to the club in so many ways. Having them kick off this year is absolutely perfect.”
“We're working on growing the sport and trying to bring in all age levels especially younger people,” said Michele Cavanagh, ladies golf director.
Women’s golf in Peterborough has grown in Peterborough as the club has seen more ladies hitting the links more than ever.
“If you see what we've been able to accomplish this season, our leagues are up 35 per cent,” said Kurtis Sweeting, PGCC sport director. “We've had 15 to 20 percent more play in years past. Golf is an accommodation sport.”
The club has several events catered specifically for women including League nights, tournaments, golf camps and even a wine and cheese night.
Couples evening league is a service that PGCC offers to appeal to both genders.
The tournament offered either an 18-hole or 9-hole format. Once the women have finished the first nine holes, the ladies playing half the course join in.
“The tournament actually gets bigger after nine holes which is kind of unique,” explained Brissett.
Whether teams score birdie, par or bogey, the message is that they all enjoy themselves playing the game.
“We've been working towards promoting the spirit of fun, friendship and golf,” said Cavanagh.
Photos: Peterborough Golf & Country Club Celebrate 125th Anniversary With Throwback Tournament
/In celebration of the Peterborough Golf & Country Club’s 125th anniversary, the course held a step-aside scramble tournament.

Members were dressed in era-appropriate golf clothing dating as far back as 1897, used old-time putters and re-introduced the stymie rule with curling rocks.
The club will host several other events to commemorate the course’s milestone. In June, the course will have a curler’s golf day (as the course also has its own curling rinks). July 1 features a celebration day with a cake and other festivities.
Non-club members can have a chance to try the course as August allows members to bring a guest for $18.97 to celebrate the year the course was founded.
The Rye Street band will perform in September at the course. October is hosting a “Swing & Sweep,” where members can golf for nine holes and curl for six ends.
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Peterborough Golf & Country Club Tees Off 125th Anniversary With Throwback Golf Tournament
/Over a century of drives, chips and putts have happened at the Peterborough Golf & Country Club (PGCC) as they celebrate their 125th anniversary with a kickoff golf tournament this Saturday.
125th Anniversary co-chair Diane Topping (pictured) wearing traditional ladies’ golf attire during the late 1900s while taking a swing at the 12th tee at the Peterborough Golf & Country Club. Photo by David Tuan Bui.
The event features a step-aside scramble golf tournament with some features relative to 1897, the year the golf club was founded. The tournament will feature stymies (other golf balls could not be marked and were natural obstacles for other golfers) with curling rocks on two of the greens and old-style putters used by course staff.
“In 1898, a picnic basket was had so we’re going to replicate that, folks will come off and we’re going to have sandwiches the way it was with a picnic basket,” said Ron Dempsey, 125th anniversary committee co-chair.
The club will host several other events to commemorate the course’s milestone. In June, the course will have a curler’s golf day (as the course also has its own curling rinks). July 1 features a celebration day with a cake and other festivities.
Non-club members can have a chance to try the course as August allows members to bring a guest for $18.97 to celebrate the year the course was founded.
The Rye Street band will perform in September at the course. October is hosting a “Swing & Sweep,” where members can golf for nine holes and curl for six ends.
“This is a very exciting year,” said Dave Robinson, PGC president. “We’re really looking forward to a great year starting with our May 28th event.”
There are roughly 900 members at the PGCC (with an overlap between golf and curling). The club was founded on May 28, 1897.
PtboPic: View from the 13th Tee of the Peterborough Golf and Country Club
"It's the only golf hole in Peterborough where seeing a 'scull' is a good thing," says Pete Dalliday.
[photo courtesy Harrison Perkins via @petedalliday. Click here to contact Harrison.]
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