Three Peterborough radio personalities—Megan Murphy, Linda Kash and Jay Sharp—are pitching CBC's national ComedyCoup Competition, which gives fans the power to help their fave comedy show concept turn into a half-hour special for CBC prime time. The trio's show is called Dead Air, and they describe it as WKRP in Cincinnati meets The Office. It's about a small town radio station full of big city egos. The star character is "Mike Street", a middle aged morning show host at “The Lizard 90.3”. Mike had big dreams of making it to a major radio market but grew to enjoy the attention of being “The Morning Mayor” in his hometown. Dead Air follows the perks and pitfalls of being a small town celebrity, and all the social discomforts it brings. Watch their pitch video here for their sitcom pilot, and follow them and rate them on the social media widgets at their CBC page, share their page with others, and sign up to be a CBC ComedyCoup fan. They need all the shares they can get to help advance to the next stage of voting!
You can follow Dead Air on Twitter here or "Like" them on Facebook.
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