Crestwood High School Ask Jimmy Fallon To Give Stigma The Finger In Powerful YouTube Video

Crestwood High School Ask Jimmy Fallon To Give Stigma The Finger In Powerful YouTube Video

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Crestwood Joins YWCA As First Local High School To Walk A Mile in Her Shoes

Crestwood Joins YWCA As First Local High School To Walk A Mile in Her Shoes


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A Group Called Impact Forms At Crestwood Where Students Can Discuss Anything

There is an emerging group at Crestwood called Impact that has a specific purposeto create an atmosphere where students can support one another and discuss life topics that matter to you. "It was headed up by someone who moved away from Peterborough and the students involved have graduated apparently," Impact program coordinator Amy McAuley tells PTBOCanada, adding that she has a specific plan for where she wants to take it.

"My heart for some time has been to create a program that could be a form of peer support as well as provide an environment where they can discuss their biggest questions, fears and struggles," says Amy.

Image via Crestwood Facebook page

Image via Crestwood Facebook page

Impact has secured a room at Crestwood where they will meet every Monday at lunch for whoever wants to talk. In an eloquent note on their Impact website directed to the anonymous student (and others like them) who wrote our viral post "A Peterborough High School Student Has Something To Say", Impact are inviting others to reach out—and perhaps start chapters at their own schools.

"My aim for this group going forward and my desire is to see it become a source of hope and a constant reminder that they are not alone," says McAuley, an early childhood educator who is most passionate about programming of this nature and would love to do this full-time. "We have been working with a student to make arrangements to start this group up again (finding a teacher who would allow us the use of his/her room) and it just happened that everything fell in place to start up the Monday before the March Break."

After hearing of the Crestwood student's tragic death and reading the anonymous student's post, McAuley tells us she was left speechless—even more so after reading the statement made regarding the need of a group/club in the post on PTBOCanada. "It has affirmed the great need I believe there is for a place of understanding and support like this, where students can just be real and feel heard as they grapple with the issues of life. I am unaware of if there are such groups at other schools but we are more than willing to assist."

"I would be happy to bring it to other schools if they would like to have a group like this for students," says Amy.

McAuley is currently running Impact with the assistance of one other person, Tristin Haines. The next Crestwood group will meet together on March 23rd during lunch in room A213 after March break. 

***You can reach out to Impact here to learn more about the organization or to inquire about starting a chapter at your school. You can also follow them on Twitter @impactgrouptbo and on Facebook here.

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Crestwood Students Create Video On Canadian Canoe Museum

A video featuring the the Canadian Canoe Museum was created by students of the Crestwood Secondary School Film, Video and New Media program in partnership with Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism. Check it out...


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Trailer For Upcoming Dracula Play At Crestwood

The play Dracula performs at Crestwood Secondary School in Peterborough May 29th and 30th (matinees) and May 31st and June 1st (night performances).

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Crestwood Goes All Retro And Introduces New Show "TV"

These episodes are produced by Crestwood's Film and Television Media Co-Op Class.



["TV" Episode 1; "TV" Episode 2]

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