Folk Musician Kate Weekes Will Be Playing Live In The Canoe Museum's Gallery


Folk-based musician Kate Weekes will kick-off this year's paddling season at the Canadian Canoe Museum Thursday (April 30th). The concert will have plenty of atmosphere as it will take place in their galleries, and there will be a food and a cash bar on site.

Tickets are $15 (available online, and at the door) and it starts at 8 p.m.

We're giving away 2 tickets. Tell us why you want to go. The best answer wins the tickets! Email us here.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Skimming The Surface: New Exhibit Opens At The Canoe Museum

In celebration of the Toronto 2015 Pan American/Parapan American Games, The Canadian Canoe Museum is pleased to announce the launch of Skimming The Surface, an engaging, interactive exhibition that captures the spirit, excitement and legacy of this sport. 

The exhibition opens Wednesday, April 22nd at 7:30 pm to the public, and is free of charge on this evening.

Watch the teaser video below to learn more about the exhibition...

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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The Canadian Canoe Museum Wants You To Name Their Store

There are many themed locations throughout the Canadian Canoe Museum such as Preserving Skills, Origins, Living Traditions Workshop and The Trading Post... but up until now their store has gone nameless. They are now hosting a contest for you to name the store, and if your naming suggestion is selected you could win a $250 Canadian Canoe Museum gift card. The contest closes March 31st, 2015.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Roy MacGregor Delivering "Canoe Lake CSI" Talk On Tom Thomson At Canadian Canoe Musuem

Author and Globe and Mail columnist Roy MacGregor is delivering a public lecture on Tom Thomson November 6th at the Canadian Canoe Museum.

It is being presented by Trent University and Peter Gzowski College, where MacGregor is the 2014-2015 Ashley Fellow at the university. 

The talk, entitled "Canoe Lake CSI: The Enduring Mystery of Tom Thomson", will be delivered at 7 p.m. on November 6th, and presents the Tom Thomson mystery and the effort of forensic experts to determine where in Algonquin Park the famous landscape painter's body lies.

MacGregor, author of Northern Light: The Enduring Mystery of Tom Thomson And The Woman Who Loved Him, will share insights into Thomson's career, his mysterious death, and the tragedy of the young woman he left behind. A book signing and refreshments will follow the talk. Pay what you can.



MacGregor has a deep connection to Algonquin Park, as his grandfather was chief ranger of the park, his mother was born there and his father worked in the park as a logger.

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PTBOCanada Pics: Canadian Canoe Museum At The Toronto Boat Show


The Canadian Canoe Museum has an interactive booth at the Toronto International Boat Show (which runs January 11th to 19th).

The booth has historic canoes, a paddle carving studio (in which you can sign up for a special one-day workshop on Thursday, January 16th or Friday, January 17th), a kids zone and an actual canoe building workshop.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Jeremy Ward describing the steps it takes to create a Canoe

Jeremy Ward describing the steps it takes to create a Canoe

A 14' Canvas-Covered Canoe

A 14' Canvas-Covered Canoe


Check Out This Footage Of Canadian Canoe Museum's 6th Annual Beaver Club Gala

Via our friends at Trail Swag comes this video shot at the 6th Annual Beaver Club Gala, which gave people the opportunity to dress in clothes from the fur trading days and help support the museum through donations and auction items. This year's host was Les Stroud from Survivorman.

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Crestwood Students Create Video On Canadian Canoe Museum

A video featuring the the Canadian Canoe Museum was created by students of the Crestwood Secondary School Film, Video and New Media program in partnership with Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism. Check it out...


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PTBOPics & Coverage: Canoe Museum Town Hall Meeting

There was a great turnout for the Town Hall meeting at the Canadian Canoe Museum last night (May 8th). James Raffan (Executive Director) introduced us to Jon Linton from TCI Management Consultants, whose team will be spearheading this redevelopment in conjunction with Reich & Petch (who have worked with museums in the past such as the Royal Ontario MuseumCanadian Museum of Nature and the Ontario Science Centre); the Architects and Designers; and KCI International (they've already completed successful fundraising efforts here in Peterborough), who will be crafting the fundraising strategy.

Jon Linton mentioned that they were hoping to engage as many people as possible with this study, to help develop the roadmap. By setting five benchmarks, they believe the Museum will prosper...

  1. Location (visibility, accessibility, etc)
  2. Good building design
  3. Exhibits and programming (they believe each year a new program should be introduced to bring people to the museum)
  4. Economic engine (they would like to pitch the museum as a driving force for Peterborough growth)
  5. Loyal constituency (membership drive, etc)

The roadmap is as follows: They hope to complete the study by July 2013, which means the board can approve/decline in October; a Business Plan and Schematic Design will be drafted by January 2014; a fundraising campaign can run from March to December of 2014; construction will be from January 2014 to May 2017; and the Grand Opening is estimated to be July 1, 2017.

TCI is hoping to grow the museum on a national level, and attributes the popularity thanks to community pride and the fact that it is a hidden gem. If it is indeed built downtown, it could be a catalyst for downtown growth, and used as a package (i.e. with the art gallery and other neighbouring landmarks) as a package. To do this, they see the need to increase visitors and broaden the audience. The estimated construction cost is $41 million. The annual viewership at the current museum location is 25,000 people and they hope to increase it to 40,000 to 50,000.

TCI is still considering sites outside the downtown area and welcome feedback for alternate locations. One attendee asked if it was possible to consider Peterborough County (such as Hope Mill) instead of the City of Peterborough, and Jon Linton was more than happy to look into the matter as long as it met the five key benchmarks. Essentially, a proposed location had to consist of two key points: A downtown location + waterfront location or an outside location + waterfront location. Trent University was even been brought up in discussion.

Other considerations they envisioned focused on multiple use of the property (such as commercial or condo residences to offset the cost of museum). Downtown revitalization came up time and time again throughout the night and seemed to be key in their plan. Worst case scenario, they are still asking what can be done with the current location?

TCI felt moving the museum out of the Peterborough area would hurt it, although they are quite aware that parking is an issue downtown and that it is difficult to create a connection to a larger outdoors experience there.

Within the groups at our tables, we were asked to answer five questions that pertained to the positives and negatives of locating downtown, and asked for feedback on what we would like to see in a redesigned museum. Some of the popular feedback was...

  • A greater connection to the Aboriginals
  • Connection to day camps
  • More interaction with kids
  • Tie in to RT08
  • Tie in to canoeing organizations
  • A bigger online presence
  • Programming to engage all ages
  • Partnerships

And the one that got the largest chuckle from the crowd...

  • Have Justin Trudeau/Justin Bieber make a guest appearance

If you couldn't attend last night's meeting, you still have time to complete the online survey to provide your feedback.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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PtboPics: Canadian Canoe Museum At The Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show

The Canadian Canoe Museum is showing some Peterborough pride at the Outdoor Adventure Show in Toronto this weekend. Be sure to check out their artisan workshops as well.

You can see their booth on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., or Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Historic Birchbark Canoe Arrives at Canoe Museum In Peterborough

A historic Birchbark Canoe from the 1700s has arrived at the Canadian Canoe Museum. It is believed it was crafted somewhere along the St. Lawrence River, brought to England in the 1700s, then recently transported back to Canada. Although it is degrading, it is an excellent example for researchers to study.

The Canadian Canoe Museum is looking for outreach opportunities and would like to use this canoe to establish discussion to learn more about the canoe's history and also build a full sized replica for an exhibit.

Learn more from the outdoors blog Trail Swag.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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