Peterborough Blogs
Canadian Blood Services Announces Immediate Need for Donors
/The Canadian Blood Services announces there is an immediate need for donors from all communities to help grow the blood and plasma supply for patients in need this winter season.
Heavy snowfall, extreme cold and icy conditions in many parts of Canada have led to a shortfall of about 1,500 or ten per cent of expected blood and plasma collections. Continuing winter conditions illness may further impact collections, and the poor weather can also create an increase in trauma events and the demand for blood.
The Canadian Blood Services claim the national inventory of several blood types remains “far below optimal” according to a press release.
“The national blood inventory has declined by over 35 per cent since the start of October. Currently, we have three or four days on hand of several blood types. The ideal inventory of fresh blood products is between five and eight days. We can and will turn this around and we need donors to fill all open appointments,” said Rick Prinzen, chief SC officer and vice president of Donor Relations for the Canadian Blood Services. “We are extremely grateful to the donors that regularly donate and also respond to these immediate needs. We also strongly encourage new donors to join Canada’s lifeline. Ensuring that the national supply meets patients’ needs over the coming weeks is an imperative for all of us. We also ask that donors, to the extent possible and reasonable, keep their appointments this week and throughout January.”
O-negative blood donors are especially needed as this blood type can be transfused to any patient. In times of emergency or for newborn patients, the universal blood type O-negative can make a lifesaving difference.
Same-day and open appointment slots are available at many donation events across Canadian. Book your appointment online at, on the GiveBlood app, or by calling 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283).
Peterborough Petes Cap Off Community Challenge with Blood Drive
/The next chapter of the Peterborough Petes and Be a Hero Challenge continues with a blood drive in partnership with Canadian Blood Services and Hockey Gives Blood on Tuesday.
The blood drive is held at Canadian Blood Services at 55 George St. N from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and is fully booked. An expected outcome considering the Petes fanbase to Jill Gemmiti, Canadian Blood Services event coordinator.
“The Peterborough Petes have such a great fanbase,” she said. “It did not surprise me at all.”
Gemmiti encourages the community to continue giving blood as there is always a need for donors.
“We need people to continue to donate,” she said. “I was looking at our April numbers and we need 207 people.”
Morgan Blaind, Petes Major Events and Game Operations Intern, (pictured) was a main contributor for the team in organizing the #BeaHeroCHallenge. Blaind is working towards her at degree in Sport Management at Durham College. Photo by David Tuan Bui
The blood drive caps of the end of the Be a Hero Challenge as the Petes — and the Oshawa Generals as part of their rivalry — encouraged their fanbase to get on the stem cell registry donor list.
Their goal is at least 1000 registrants and to have more than the Generals as part of the challenge. The losing team will have their mascot wear the winner’s jersey and results will be announced on Apr 2.
Each blood donor will receive a swag bag consisting of a toque, mini-stick and hockey puck. Photo by David Tuan Bui
Petes mascot Roger and player ambassador John Parker-Jones will be in attendance at the event.
All participants of the Petes Blood Drive will receive a Hockey Gives Blood swag bag and participate in a digital Petes trivia during their appointment for a chance to win additional prizes.
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Peterborough Theatre Guild New Play Dracula Upcoming, Invites You To Visit Canadian Blood Services
/Peterborough Theatre Guild invites you to visit the Canadian Blood Services at 55 George St N., in Peterborough on Saturday, September 9th, from 8 a.m. - noon.
That day at Blood Services, you will receive one complimentary ticket for PTG's production of Dracula. Also, the members of the cast and crew, including Dracula himself, will be there that day in costume.
The complimentary ticket is valid for the Preview Show of Dracula on Thursday, September 21st at 8 p.m.
Written by Stephen Dietz and directed by John Lunman, the play runs September 22nd through October 8th at Peterborough Theatre Guild's theatre.
Since 1965, PTG has been the home of award winning live theatre in Peterborough and the Kawarthas. For more info, visit their website.
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Best Thing Ever: Peterborough Girl Sarah Edge Celebrating Her 10th Anniversary With New Heart By Hosting Blood Clinic
/Sarah Edge was only six weeks old when she first begin experiencing heart problems. By the time she was 15 months, and her health in severe decline, she was placed on a heart transplant waiting list. Her family was afraid Sarah would not make it, and she was down to only 15 pounds. After weeks on the waiting list, Sarah’s mother received the miracle call that the family had been waiting for: A heart had been found!
At 18 months old, Sarah received the heart transplant she so desperately needed. Throughout her treatment, she also needed 66 units of blood products to help beat the odds that were not in her favour.
Ten years later after her miracle heart transplant and the generosity of blood donors, Sarah is giving back. In celebration of her post-transplant anniversary, the 11-year-old from Peterborough hopes that the blood donor clinic she and her family are organizing will bring out donors willing to help save the lives of children like her.
Sarah’s Celebratory Clinic is Tuesday, November 5th from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Peterborough Blood Donor Clinic (55 George St. at the corner of George and Perry St.). Members of the community are encouraged to come out and support Sarah and other children in need of blood and blood products, as well as organs. Call 1 888 2 Donate (1-888-236-283) or go online to to book an appointment to donate blood. In addition, it takes only minutes to register to be an organ or tissue donor. Visit to find out how.
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How It Works: Becoming A Blood Donor
/There is always a need and a demand for blood donors. No matter what the season, the weather, the month of the year... someone, somewhere needs the gift of life. With the Sirens for Life campaign in full swing until September, PTBOCanada's Julie Morris wanted to give you a glimpse of the steps involved and how simple it really is to be a blood donor. If you've never donated before but have often been curious as to what is involved, we hope this encourages you to go ahead and make that appointment. Here's how it works...
Shelley will greet you upon arrival at the clinic (the Blood Donor clinic is located at 55 George Street North) and help get your appointment underway and book your next one!
The next step is to get a quick poke to check your hemoglobin level. In order to proceed with the process, your hemoglobin count must be 12.5 or above. Anything lower and you will not be able to donate that day. After this step, you will then make a stop at one of the booths to fill out the first part of the questionnaire. It you'd like, prior to your visit you can preview the Record of Donation online.
The remainder of the questions on the questionnaire are verbally asked to you when you continue on to one of the privacy rooms. In addition to the remainder of the questions, you will also have your blood pressure and temperature taken. Your blood pressure must be no lower than 90/50 and no higher than 180/100. Your temperature must fall between 35.8 C and 37.5 C. Check out the Basic Eligibility for complete details.
Tracey Hughes, who is a teacher at TASSS, in the middle of completing her 20th donation!
Dan Mundell from the Peterborough Fire Department and Don Broersma from the Peterborough-Lakefield Police both enjoy some snacks after donating. One of the many long term volunteers of the clinic will offer you treats and juice after your donation is complete and if you're lucky maybe even an ice cream cone!
The Peterborough permanent blood clinic is located at 55 George Street North. They are open Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursdays 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Fridays 8 a.m. to noon, and the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to noon. You can check out their FAQs to answer any questions you might still have as you think about donating.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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Little Lake Centennial Fountain Lights Up For Sirens For Life
/As an extension of Canadian Blood Services summer long campaign Sirens For Life, the Little Lake Centennial Fountain will be lit up red for the next week to remind everyone of the importance and ongoing need for blood donors.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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PTBOPics & Coverage: Sirens For Life Summer Campaign Launches
/Today (July 2nd) marked the launch of the summer campaign Sirens for Life, a partnership between Canadian Blood Services and emergency response personnel stressing the importance of continuing to donate blood—a traditionally slow time because of vacation and family activities—in the summer months for people in need. The local event kicked off at Fire Hall #3 on Clonsilla Avenue and included representatives from local Blood Services, EMS, firefighters, police and Fleming College students currently enrolled in the Firefighter Education and Training Program. The message of the campaign is "Someone still needs YOUR help". Donating blood is a simple process which will take about an hour of your time. Call 1.888.2.DONATE for clinic locations and to book an appointment or go to for more info.
Sue Harris (at left) from Canadian Blood Services chats with Marsie MacKay about the initiative.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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3,000 Canadians Needed To Donate Blood By End Of This Year, Including 200 In Peterborough
/Here's a PSA from Canadian Blood Services...
December 21th, 2012 (Peterborough) — As we approach the Christmas holiday and turn the page on another year, Canadian Blood Services is asking eligible Canadians to “GIVE A HOLIDAY MIRACLE” by donating blood during the days around Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Collecting blood during the holiday season is a challenge, as many donors go away or are busy with other activities. Yet many patients will spend their holiday receiving cancer treatment or undergoing life-saving surgery and emergency care. During the weeks of December 24 and December 31, Canadian Blood Services estimates a need of 25,000 units of blood to give holiday miracles to hospital patients across Canada.
In order to meet this blood collection goal, we still need 3,000 more Canadians to book appointments and donate blood between now and the end of the year. In Peterborough, we need 206 donors to donate blood in order to help meet this goal.
“We’d like to thank Canadians who took the time to donate blood so far this holiday season, but we need that generosity to continue through the end of the year,” says Sue Harris, Community Development Coordinator. “As the year draws to an end, do something that embodies the spirit and generosity of the season—give blood. It costs you nothing, and it’ll give someone a holiday miracle.”
There are plenty of opportunities to donate blood this holiday season.
Peterborough Blood Donor Clinic
55 George St. N.
Saturday Dec 22nd 8am – 12noon
Monday Dec 24th 10am – 2pm
Thursday Dec 27th 3pm – 7pm
Friday Dec 28th 8am – 12noon
Platelets, which are derived from blood donations, are of particular concern around the holiday season. Because platelets only have a shelf life of five days, it is not possible to “stock up” ahead of time. Patients with diseases such as cancer need large quantities of platelets as part of their treatment. It is critical that our clinics are full of “miracle workers” over the holidays to meet the need for platelets.
Please visit us online at or call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) to book an appointment to donate today. To help meet the continuing need for blood, donors who have an appointment in the coming weeks are urged to honour it.
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Canadian Blood Services Educating Public About Need To Donate
/During the busy summer season, Canadian Blood Services are continuously encouraging donations of any blood type. Only 3.5 percent of the population give blood. In Peterborough, we have a permanent clinic located at 55 George Street, as well as various mobile clinics located throughout the city. Please call 1-888-2-DONATE to book an appointment.
On Labour Day weekend, "The Mayor Daryl Bennett Blood Drive" will be taking place as he campaigns for Peterborough to "Rally Together to Save Lives."
More here on Canadian Blood Services in this CHEX Newswatch report from last night:
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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