“Declaring a Significant Weather Event is a way to advise residents, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists that conditions on roads, sidewalks and bike lanes can be expected to be delayed compared to typical levels of service,” said John Czerniawski, Public Works operations supervisor.
The City is deploying resources to address road conditions as a result of the storm. Please be cautious on roads, sidewalks and bike lanes during the Significant Weather Event as road conditions can vary drastically during a Significant Weather Event.
Motorists are advised to stay home and only use the roads for necessary travel.
“Crews have been out on streets and sidewalks since 1:30 a.m. working on the roads and all snow clearing resources will continue to be deployed 24 hours a day for this response,” said Czerniawski. “This is not an emergency situation, but the snow clearing work will take some time to complete with the amount of snow that has fallen and continues to come down this morning.”
Snow clearing operations are currently focused on main roads – arterials and collectors – as well as sidewalks. Crews are expected to move into residential streets Monday night or early Tuesday morning.
Municipalities can declare a Significant Weather Event under the Municipal Act, 2001, O. Reg. 239/02, relating to the maintenance of municipal roads, sidewalks and bike lanes. All roadways in the municipality are deemed to be in a state of repair with respect to snow accumulation.