Rotary Trail From Nassau Mills Road to Armour Road Closed For a Week For Repairs Starting Monday

The Rotary Trail from Nassau Mills Road to Armour Road will be closed for repairs beginning this Monday.

Photo by David Tuan Bui.

The work includes pavement crack sealing, saw cutting and removal of existing deteriorated asphalt at select locations, fine grading, placement of new asphalt where removed, application of emulsified asphalt tack coat and installation of hot mix asphalt overlay along the Rotary Trail from Nassau Mills Road to Armour Road.

The Rotary Trail from Nassau Mills to Armour Road will be closed for approximately seven days to facilitate this work. Alternate routes will be available, and users may follow the posted signs.

The work is scheduled to be completed by Sept. 3.

The City has awarded the project to Green Infrastructure Partners Inc.

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