Piece Of Peterborough History On Display At Auto Connect Sales

Auto Connect Sales invites the public to visit and view their newly installed photo of Westclox staff in 1947. This piece of Peterborough history was donated by Al Carmichael, who’s wife Rena (nee Warner) can be found in the photo.

Westclox opened in Peterborough in 1920 and made timepieces that were shipped around the world.

Rena worked there before switching careers and working at General Electric, another iconic Peterborough fixture.

Carmichael, who turned 94 on June 1, came to Peterborough from Nova Scotia in 1949.

He began working for ESSO and met his wife on a blind date set up by a friend.

The two were married a few years after the photo was taken, and remained together for 58 years until Rena’s passing.

Carmichael says the photo was found rolled up in the drawer of an old dresser.

Carmichael remained friends with Auto Connect salesperson Alexis Raffan after purchasing a car years ago and the two decided the photo would be best if displayed for everyone to see.

Auto connect owners Cheryl and Martin invite anyone to come in and admire this important piece of Peterborough history.

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