Peterborough-Kawartha Green Party is Looking for a Local Candidate for MPP

The Peterborough-Kawartha Green Party of Ontario Constituency Association announced Wednesday that they are looking for contestants for nomination as the local Green Party Candidate for MPP.

Photo courtesy of The Green party of Canada

Photo courtesy of The Green party of Canada

“We heard loud and clear during the Federal election that people in our riding are concerned about the affordability of housing. The Green Party of Ontario has a stellar housing strategy. It is time for the needs and the solutions to meet,” said Pati Beaudoin, President, Peterborough-Kawartha Green Party.

This emphasis on Housing and Environment fits the priorities outlined by Mike Schreiner, MPP, and leader of the Green Party of Ontario, who tabled at motion on this topic in the legislature last week.

“Transportation is the biggest source of climate pollution in Ontario,” Schreiner said. “And a big portion of that comes from cars commuting back and forth pumping carbon into the air. That’s why I tabled a motion to tackle the housing affordability issues that are leading to more sprawl. This way we can greatly reduce pollution and tackle the housing and climate crises at the same time.”

The Green Party’s 9-point housing strategy focuses on building “15-minute communities” by lifting red-tape that prevents building duplexes, triplexes, laneway houses, tiny homes, etc., within urban boundaries. The policy includes provisions for “housing by Indigenous People and for Indigenous People” in urban areas. Housing First and Housing is a Human Right are fundamental principles. The policy provides for 60,000 units of permanent supportive housing along with other models such as shelters.

For more information on running as contestant for the Green Party contact

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