Peterborough Agricultural Society Announces Peterborough Ex Steer Show Results

The Peterborough Ex announced the results of the Ernest Boyles & Sons Steer Show and Sale, held on August 4 at the Vollering Farm in Douro.

Doug Leahy’s Grand Champion steer. This Charlois/black Limousin crossbred steer weighs 1639 lbs. Photo courtesy of Jason MCIntosh Auctions.

The animals were weighed and judged prior to being auctioned. Judges were Darrell Russet of Russett Farms Sterling, Randy Hilts of Hilts Butcher Shop in Norwood and Dave Denure of Hoard’s Station Sale Barn, Hoard’s Station.

The Steer Show and Sale is a great chance for people to get on the farm to see the work and care that goes into breeding,” said Exhibition President Viren D’Souza. “Congratulations to all exhibitors for your work and we look forward to seeing the auction results.”

Featured Supporters included Kroes Croquettes, Starfra Feeds, Battaglia Homes, Hilts Butcher Shop, Peterborough Veterinary Services and Otonabee Meat Packers.

The top six placing steers are sold online through Jason McIntosh Auctions. Bidding closes on August 12th and is open to the public. Processing arrangements have been made through Otonabee Meat Packers and Hilts Butcher Shop and the producer will deliver their animal with no additional cost. Buyers must pay for all the cutting and processing fees.

Steer Show results are:

1st - Doug Leahy 

2nd - Pat Leahy

3rd - Scott and Andy Vollering

4th - Leahy Brothers

5th - Alyssa Leahy

6th - Shannon Leahy

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