Parkhill Road West to Undergo Major Infrastructure Upgrade Beginning Monday; Detour Routes Posted
/Parkhill Road West from Aylmer Street North to George Street is closed to through traffic for a major infrastructure project to being on Monday.
File photo.
The work includes excavation, grading, removal and installation of storm sewers, sanitary sewers, watermain, storm, sanitary and water services, low impact development (LID) features, stormwater management, new curb and gutters and sidewalks. The project will also include structure adjustments, asphalt milling, base and surface asphalt installation, tree plantings, signage installations and pavement markings. Access to local traffic is being maintained during that time.
The project was awarded to Trisan Construction with completion expected by spring of next year.
Detour routes will be posted.
"The Parkhill Road West Reconstruction project is a crucial investment in our City's infrastructure,” said Mayor Jeff Leal. “The upgrades and improvements will enhance safety, promote efficient traffic flow, and contribute to sustainability through Low Impact Development Features as well as upgraded storm water management.”
Traffic management and calming measures will be in place including reconfiguring Parkhill Road at Bethune Street and at Aylmer Street to improve traffic and pedestrian safety, adding a raised median and closing the south leg of Bethune Street at Parkhill Road.
"We understand that road construction can cause inconveniences and we appreciate the patience and cooperation of the community during this project,” said Blair Nelson, City of Peterborough’s engineering and capital works director. “Our team will work diligently to minimize disruptions and maintain local traffic access to the greatest extent possible.”
Delays may be experienced by local traffic during the construction period.
Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to stay informed about the project and related updates by visiting the City's community engagement portal online.
Detour routes will be the following:
The eastbound traffic detour on Parkhill Road is Reid Street to McDonnel Street to Water Street to Parkhill Road.
The westbound traffic detour on Parkhill Road is George Street to McDonnel Street to Reid Street to Parkhill Road.
The alternate detour route for George Street southbound traffic is Barnardo Avenue to Wolsely Street to Chemong Road to Reid Street to Parkhill Road.
Elcombe Crescent will be closed from Water Street to Parkhill Road West for the duration of the detour routes. Access to local properties will be maintained.
Transit detours
Route 9 Parkhill will operate on a detour route during the construction
Eastbound route will travel from Parkhill Road south on Reid Street, east on McDonnel Street, and turn north on Water Street where it will continue east on Parkhill Road
Westbound route will travel south on George Street from Parkhill Road to turn west on McDonnel Street, north on Reid Street to Parkhill Road where it will continue westbound travel.