Hunter Street Mural Celebrates Multiculturalism in Peterborough

Artists Miguel Hernández Autorino and Cassandra Lee completed a mural on one of four designated plots on Hunter Street as part of the Renaissance on Hunter Road Mural Project.

Miguel Hernández Autorino and Cassandra Lee sit on their Hunter Street Mural. Photo Courtesy of Hernández Autorino.

Miguel Hernández Autorino and Cassandra Lee sit on their Hunter Street Mural. Photo Courtesy of Hernández Autorino.

Hernández Autorino and Lee created a piece called “Picnic By The Water” inspired by the Canadian landscape and nature which Hernández Autorino says is the most beautiful part of the country. He wanted the piece to encompass the multiculturalism that is so important in Peterborough.

Before the piece was completed, community members from countries like Korea, Singapore, the Philippines and Egypt were invited to paint “Hello” in their country’s language on the mural.

A community member paints “Hello” on Picnic By The Water. Photo Courtesy of Miguel Hernández Autorino.

A community member paints “Hello” on Picnic By The Water. Photo Courtesy of Miguel Hernández Autorino.

Those that participated came from the New Canadians Centre where Hernández Autorino was a client when he arrived in Canada from Venezuela in 2016. He is now a volunteer for them.

“I hope this piece brings awareness to all the different cultures that are in this town,” he said. “It’s a great opportunity for people to see that we exist and we are a part of this community.”

Picnic By The Water is positioned on the biggest of the four plots that are a part of the Renaissance on Hunter project and Hernández Autorino considers that a big accomplishment.

“It is really inspiring for me as an immigrant artist,” he said. “It’s the first time I feel like I’m achieving something big. I’m an advocate for all the immigrants that are in the same place - we work so hard but sometimes it feels like we don’t get noticed.”

Picnic By The Water can be viewed on Hunter Street in the temporary sidewalk spaces created by lane closures between Aylmer Street and Chambers Street.

This project is presented in partnership with the Downtown Business Improvement Area, Green Up, Artspace Peterborough and the City of Peterborough. It was funded through the City’s Public Art Program.

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