Flood Watch In Peterborough Area In Anticipation Of Up To 25 Millimeters Of Rain

Otonabee Conservation has issued a flood watch for all water bodies in the Peterborough area.

Affected areas include the Municipalities of Selwyn, Douro-Dummer, Asphodel-Norwood, Otonabee-South Monaghan, Cavan Monaghan, City of Kawartha Lakes, City of Peterborough and Trent Hills.

After experiencing a low-pressure trough that brought warm air temperatures, rain, and snowmelt to the Region last week, we will experience similar weather conditions on Tuesday as a Texas Low Pressure system passes over Southern Ontario. Air temperatures will soar to 6 degrees Celsius, and the system will deliver 20-25 millimetres of rain, possibly heavy at times.

Rain on snow on frozen ground will cause already above-normal water levels/flows to increase even more, possibly resulting in overbank flooding. However, if water levels do rise enough as to exceed channel capacity, it is expected to only do so in low-lying areas and to cause only nuisance level flooding. Ice cover break-up is not expected and flooding due to ice jams is also not expected. Wednesday, will see the system gone from the Region and a return to seasonal air temperatures.

Area residents can expect ponding of water in low-lying areas because frozen ground conditions will prevent absorption, followed by the freezing of this water as the air temperatures change back to below zero. Also, ponding will occur around culverts and drainage basins that are blocked due to snow, ice and/or debris. Residents and businesses along the shores of area waterbodies and watercourses, especially those located in low-lying areas, are strongly encouraged to keep a close watch for possible flooding and to take action to limit or prevent damages due to potential flooding. Adults, parents, and caregivers are advised to keep themselves, children, and pets away from all waterways and conveyance structures (i.e., dams, culverts, and bridges).

Water levels can be monitored on-line at:

1) Trent-Severn Waterway’s Water Management InfoNet

2) Water Survey of Canada Real-Time Hydrometric Data

3) Otonabee Region Conservation Authority website

This flood watch will expire Thursday unless otherwise noted.

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