Fleming College To Offer New Respiratory Therapy Program

Fleming College will now be offering Respiratory Therapy diploma program through its School of Health and Community Services.

Photo by University of New Brunswick.

Registration for the Respiratory Therapy Advanced Diploma has already begun. Classes will take place at the College’s Sutherland Campus, in the purpose-built respiratory therapy lab with new, state-of-the-art equipment.

“Fleming is once again expanding our School of Health and Community Services to include programs that address a crucial need in our health care sector,” said Fleming College President Maureen Adamson. “There is a projected shortage of qualified respiratory therapists over the next decade in our region, in our province and across our country. The COVID-19 pandemic showed us how important it is to address that shortage.”

The six-semester interactive program begins in January 2023, reducing the program time from three years to two. During their time at Fleming students will learn how to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate safe, therapeutic cardio-respiratory interventions for a wide array of patients and clients. Students will graduate with the knowledge, skills, and clinical judgement to deliver optimal cardio-respiratory care.   

Two 420-hour field placements take place during the final two semesters. Students will be able to complete the Indigenous Perspectives Designation offered in this program, adding a competitive advantage to their resumés.

 The Fleming program has been developed to meet the National Competency Framework for respiratory therapists. Program graduates will be prepared for the Canadian Board of Respiratory Care national certification examinations to become members of the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario.

Respiratory therapists are able to work in hospitals, long-term care homes, hyperbaric clinics with a family health team or work in a home, private business or in an independent practice. Employment income for respiratory therapists averages about $78,000 per year in the Peterborough region.

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