Emergency Child Care For School Aged Children Announced

Emergency child care services for children 3.8 years to 12 years old is anticipated to be available for provincially-identified essential service workers in the City and County of Peterborough beginning Thursday

Emergency child care service is provided at no cost to eligible families of identified essential service workers under the provincial program that is administered by the City of Peterborough.

To be eligible, families must have no other option for child care and both parents/all adults must be working outside of their home.

In anticipation of the Province approving the City’s Emergency Child Care Plan, families can indicate they are an essential worker and register for emergency child care at OneHSN.com/Peterborough.

Families who have used Emergency Child Care in the past must re-register for the program.

Registration will be managed by the chosen emergency child care agency. Final approvals will be completed by City of Peterborough staff. Registrations for new Emergency Child Care spaces will open on Wednesday.

It is the family’s responsibility to apply for and follow up with their chosen Emergency Child Care agency. If a space is not available at the location the family prefers, the family should apply elsewhere.

With the exception of the emergency child care agencies, all other operators of before and after school programs were required to close after Tuesday and are prohibited from charging fees or otherwise penalizing parents during the closure period (e.g., parents must not lose their respective child care spaces).

EarlyON Child and Family Centres will be closed to indoor, in-person programs and services until further notice. EarlyON Centres will continue to offer a large variety of virtual programming until further notice.

Families that currently receive a child care fee subsidy may contact their case manager through email or phone if needed.

The Premier of Ontario announced a province wide shutdown of in-person learning at all publicly funded and private schools beginning Wednesday. All publicly funded and private elementary and secondary schools will move to remote learning.

Licensed centre-based and home child care can remain open for the duration of the shutdown. At this time most licensed child care centres in the City and County of Peterborough are open and providing regular full day services for children aged 0 – 3.8 years.  

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