City of Peterborough Issues Waste Disposal, Charging Station and Public Shower Details
/The City of Peterborough has released details regarding waste disposal, charging stations and public shower details in response to last weekend’s massive windstorm.
Photo by David Tuan Bui.
Temporary green waste drop-off site
A temporary green waste drop-off location for trees and brush resulting from the storm on Saturday will open at 425 Kennedy Rd. starting this Saturday until further notice with no disposal fees for residents as part of the storm recovery efforts.
The site is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.
Residents can bring any trees, brush, leaves and sticks that were generated by the storm to the temporary drop-off area. Other green waste, such as grass clippings and garden waste, will not be accepted at the temporary drop-off site but can be put out through the regular curbside green waste collection program or taken to the landfill.
The temporary green waste drop-off site will not be accepting any other type of waste generated by the storm, including construction materials and food waste.
To access the temporary green waste drop-off site, residents are asked to enter from River Road South as Highway 115 is reduced to one lane in the area next to the location.
There may be wait times at the temporary green waste drop-off site depending on traffic volume.
Regular green waste curbside collection program
There is no limit on the quantity of green waste that can be placed at the curb however, it must be put out within guidelines on sizes and weights to allow crews to handle the material. Due to the high amount of material, collection may be delayed.
Green Waste includes brush, branches, hedge and tree trimmings, grass clippings, leaves, house and garden plants, trimmings, and small quantities of sod (within weight limits).
All brush and branches must be tied in bundles up to one metre (three feet) in length and 30 centimetres (12 inches) in diameter, weighing no more than 23 kilograms (50 pounds). Larger size items cannot be loaded into the collection vehicle.
Stumps, soil and stones are not accepted through the green waste collection.
As an alternative to curbside collection, the City accepts green waste at the Bensfort landfill at a fee of $7 for 100 kilograms or less of material or for $95 per tonne for the entire load.
For green waste collection questions, please call 705-745-1386.
Garbage and recycling collection
For the waste collection periods of May 24 - 27 and May 31 - June 3, the City is adjusting its garbage collection guidelines to allow one extra garbage bag or one extra garbage can (lift) to be put out for collection for each household, increasing the limit to three from two, to accommodate the disposal of spoiled food due to the extended power outages.
A lift is:
One plastic garbage bag no greater than 66 centimetres by 90 centimetres and a maximum of 23 kilograms (50 pounds) in weight;
One garbage can no greater than 125 litres (30 gallons) with side handles and a lid and 23 kilograms (50 pounds) in weight; or
One item less than one metre (three feet) in length and 23 kilograms (50 lbs.) in weight.
Peterborough residents may also take garbage directly to the landfill at 1260 Bensfort Rd. during operating hours on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and Saturday at 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m with all standard fees.
For garbage collection matters, please call 705-745-1386.
For general waste management related questions, please call 705-742-7777, ext. 1657.
While the garbage collection limit is adjusted for the storm response, the City asks that residents please separate out recyclable materials before throwing out food waste. There is no limit on the amount of recyclables that can be put out for collection each week. Recyclable materials can also be taken to the Recycling Depot on Pido Road at no charge, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Access to charging stations and showers
The City is providing access to showers at the Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre.
Individuals must ask to use the showers to get access to the amenities at the facilities.
For those looking to charge electronic devices and electronic mobility aids, the following locations are available for charging devices during their regular operating hours:
Peterborough Public Library
Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre
Healthy Planet Arena
Peterborough Museum and Archives