City of Peterborough Accepting Bookings for Final Curbside Large Item Pickup of the Year
/The City of Peterborough is accepting online bookings for large-item curbside pickups for the week of Sep. 26 as the final service of the year.
File Photo.
Bookings must be arranged by 11:59 p.m. on Sep. 22 online. The cost is $30 for the first item and $10 for each additional piece.
Mattresses and box springs do not count as the first item and are $30 apiece to be disposed of. Any mattress and/or boxspring infected by bed bugs, these items must be placed in a clear plastic bag.
Free bags (one per item) are available from the City (pick up at City Hall and Public Works).
The following are the City’s terms and conditions for large-item pickups.
Please note that all materials must be set out curbside by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled day of pick up. Materials may be set out the day before but not until after 7:00 p.m.
Public Works starts collecting large articles at 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of the collection week, and collections may continue for several days before the entire City is completed. Please do not remove items from the curb if they have not been collected on Monday.
Refrigeration appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, etc. must be tagged as having the refrigerant removed. Items not tagged will NOT be picked up.
Construction, renovation or demolition materials are not collected at the curb.
If the item is or contains glass, the glass should be taped corner to corner with an X for safety
No refunds for cancelled service
The following items are accepted as large articles:
Air conditioner*
Air hockey table
Area rug/carpet/underpad (rolled)
BBQ (no propane tanks)
Box spring/bed frame
Chair (any type)
Change table
Chesterfield (sectionals — each piece counts as one item)
Cushion/vinyl flooring (rolled)
Entertainment centre
Exercise equipment
Exhaust hood
Filing cabinet
Floor lamp
Garden tools
Golf cart
Ironing board
Laundry tub
Lounge chair
Mattress (any size)
Metal storm/screen door
Outdoor furniture (each piece = one item)
Packing/Steamer trunk
Patio umbrella
Pool cover
Portable heater
Shower stall
Swing set
Table (any size)
Toaster oven
Toilet (tank + stool = one item)
Washing machine
Water heater (domestic)
Wood stove
*Freon must be removed from the item before it can be accepted in the collection; certification of removal must be displayed with the item.
The following items are NOT accepted as large articles:
Televisions, computers, electronics (take to Hazardous and Electronic Waste Depot)
Freon items without certification that the Freon has been removed
Fluorescent Tubes, propane tanks (take to Hazardous and Electronic Waste Depot)
Construction and demolition waste
Tires or other automobile parts (free disposal of tires is available at the Landfill)
Fuel tanks, 45-gallon drums
Metal garage doors
Metal doors
Mirrors, windows
Stones, blocks, bricks, aggregate
Roofing materials and eavestroughing
Fluorescent light bulbs (take to Hazardous and Electronic Waste Depot)
Cupboards, cabinets, wooden doors
Above ground pools
Fencing (wood or wire), fence stakes or posts
Outdoor storage sheds, dog houses
Hot tubs
Bathroom vanity