Registration Now Open for Social Procurement Information Sessions in Peterborough

Register and join a virtual information session on how the City of Peterborough’s recently-updated Procurement By-Law introduces social procurement priorities into decision making on City purchases on Dec. 6 or Jan. 11.

File photo.

Social procurement is a way for the City of Peterborough to elevate the social, economic, cultural and environmental impact by leveraging existing procurement activities to achieve positive social value outcomes.

Peterborough City Council voted on Sept. 26 to update the City’s Procurement By-Law to include social procurement, and the City has since started a three-year social procurement implementation strategy.

The City is offering information sessions on the social procurement policy and implementation. Anyone is welcome to join from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on both Dec. 6 and Jan. 11, but the content will be of particular interest to any current or potential vendors to the City of Peterborough.

The City will be email a link and call-in number to the meeting, either of which can be used to join virtually. Both information sessions will be held on Microsoft Teams.

  • During this engagement, you will:

  • Learn about the policy updates

  • Prepare for social procurement implementation

  • Have the opportunity to ask questions

To join:

  • Download the latest version of Microsoft Teams

  • Arrive a few minutes early

  • Be prepared to explore new possibilities together

  • Bring your questions

Register using the City of Peterborough’s website.

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Peterborough Public Health Reminds Residents Of Prohibited Public Smoking and Vaping in City Outdoor Public Spaces

Peterborough Public Health (PPH) has reminded residents and visitors that smoking and vaping are prohibited in area parks, playgrounds, beaches and sports fields announced on Monday.

Photo by Luke Best.

“Everyone deserves to enjoy these beautiful spaces free from exposure to secondhand smoke and vape products,” said Dr. Thomas Piggott, Medical Officer of Health. “Active enforcement of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and the current bylaw will protect people from being exposed and support anyone who is trying to quit using cannabis and tobacco.”

Smoking or vaping in Peterborough at a park, playground, sports field or beach could result in a fine of up to $305. This includes anyone attending a Peterborough Musicfest concert at Del Crary Park.

“Our partnership with the health unit has been ongoing for several years and is quite successful,” said Tracey Randall, General Manager, Peterborough Musicfest. “We are excited to be back this season offering our concert series throughout July and August once again. As in years past, we want to make sure that the event is safe and enjoyable for everyone, which includes ensuring a smoke and vape-free experience at the park.”

Peterborough Police and Public Health Tobacco Enforcement Officers are enforcing the rules in local parks this summer according to PPH.

PPH says keeping parks smoke and vape-free keep children safe from the harmful effects of tobacco and help denormalize tobacco use. They also help protect the environment from toxic cigarette butts.

Anyone who is exposed to secondhand smoke is encouraged to report the exposure to Peterborough Public Health by calling 705-743-1000 or using the online report form available at PPH’s website and searching for “secondhand smoke.”

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Township Of Douro-Dummer 2022 Burn Permits Are Now Available

Residents of Douro-Dummer can now apply online for their 2022 burn permits.

Photo by Angela O’Grady

A burn permit is required for anyone residing in the township that wishes to have an open air fire (camp fire, brush fire etc.).

The most common burn permit is a residential permit, costs $20 for the entire year and allowes the user to have multiple fires on the property.

Farmers that need to obtain a burn permit to support farming activities on multiple properties should contact Jess McArthur directly for assistance at (705) 652-8392 x 212 or

The burn permit system is new, and better communicates fire risk and burn bans to the public. The cost of the permit pays for the system the township is using and any surplus will go into a Wildland Firefighting reserve to help pay for future operational response and/or equipment.

Burn permits can be obtained by creating an account online and purchasing your permit with a credit card. They can also be purchased in person at the Municipal Office or the Douro-Dummer Public Library. Cash, cheque and debit are accepted at these two locations. Permits are not valid until paid.

Click here for more information or to purchase a burn permit.

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New Bylaw Supports Smoke-Free And Vape-Free Spaces for All

Peterborough Public Health has partnered with Peterborough Police, the City of Peterborough and Peterborough Musicfest to remind people that both the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and the Peterborough Smoking Bylaw prohibit smoking and vaping in area parks, playgrounds, beaches and sports fields, and at street festivals like Peterborough Pulse.

“Smoking rates continue to decline, but many people believe that smoking outdoors is harmless when in fact there is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke,” says Dr. Rosana Salvaterra, Medical Officer of Health. “Actively enforcing the bylaw will both protect people from toxic second-hand smoke and support a reduction in smoking rates.”

New this year will be the inclusion of e-cigarettes or "vapes" in the City of Peterborough’s bylaw. City Council approved the revised bylaw on July 9th, 2018.

“We’re learning more about e-cigarettes and what’s in them,” adds Dr. Salvaterra. “Just because e-cigarettes are less harmful than conventional cigarettes, that doesn’t make them harmless.” A recent report, Public Health Consequences of E-Cigarettes, noted that e-cigarettes both contain and emit toxic substances.

Peterborough Police and Public Health Tobacco Enforcement Officers will be enforcing the rules in parks and at events this summer.

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