Peterborough Petes Offering Free Advertising Space For Local Non-Profits And Charities

For the 2022 season, the Peterborough Petes will be allocating a select number of in-game corporate partnership opportunities to registered charities and not-for-profits based in Peterborough and The Kawarthas.

File Photo.

"Since becoming a member of the Peterborough community, supporting local and supporting those in need have been an obvious focus for those in the area," said Petes Sales Manager Mike Kosciesza. "I'm proud that the Petes are continuing that tradition by donating some of our most exciting advertising space during games to the groups who are doing hard work to make this community better every day.”

According to a release, the Petes organization, which also operates as a not-for-profit, hopes to be able to help recognize and promote other non-profits that make Peterborough a better place.

Space in the program is extremely limited. Interested groups can submit an application here or reach out to Mike Kosciesza directly at (705) 743-3681 ext. 6000 or by email and he can answer any questions about this exciting initiative. The deadline to submit applications is September 9th at 4:30 p.m.

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Explore Downtown With The New "The Boro" $1,000 Gift Card Giveaway

PTBOCanada wants the community to explore Downtown Peterborough with “The Boro” gift cards and we are doing a giveaway to help promote all our wonderful local businesses.

PTBOCanada purchased $1000 in “The Boro” gift cards to support our community and is teaming up with the Downtown Business Improvement Association (DBIA) to give away 10 gift cards worth $100 each starting this Wednesday (March 3rd)! It can be used at over 100 different stores in the downtown area to 10 lucky winners!

Every day, we will post a picture of a downtown business on PTBOCanada Instagram and Facebook pages, so make sure to follow those pages if you’re not. Fans can guess the location in the comments where the picture was taken. One randomly chosen fan will win a $100 gift card daily.

The old paper gift certificate (above) has been replaced with a plastic gift card (below) since December of 2020. The new method allows businesses to be paid immediately compared to leaving a difficult paper trail to track down sales. Photo by David Tuan Bui, PTBOCanada

The old paper gift certificate (above) has been replaced with a plastic gift card (below) since December of 2020. The new method allows businesses to be paid immediately compared to leaving a difficult paper trail to track down sales. Photo by David Tuan Bui, PTBOCanada

The old paper gift certificate has been replaced with a new gift card that is easier to use and fits better in your wallet or purse. The card was introduced in early December of 2020. It has sold more than $80,000 that has circulated back into Downtown Peterborough. This was a major jump in sales compared to the annual $30,000 that the paper gift cards made according to Hillary Flood, DBIA Communications Manager.

“Through this program, we're seeing every day that it hasn't slowed down since the holidays,” she said. “People are wanting to support small businesses and shop local and they're seeing this gift card as a gift of possibility.”

More than 100 stores and services can be used with the gift card. Over 30 stores accept it through online shopping. Photo courtesy of the DBIA.

More than 100 stores and services can be used with the gift card. Over 30 stores accept it through online shopping. Photo courtesy of the DBIA.

You can purchase the cards at the DBIA on 313 Water St, Peterborough, just across from ServiceOntario.

“Especially in these times, people really do feel good about supporting downtown businesses,” said Flood. “This is an easy, low-barrier way to facilitate that.”

Hillary Flood, DBIA communications manager (left) and Kirtus Evoy, PTBOCanada owner (right), celebrate their partnership to promote Downtown Peterborough. Photo by David Tuan Bui, PTBOCanada

Hillary Flood, DBIA communications manager (left) and Kirtus Evoy, PTBOCanada owner (right), celebrate their partnership to promote Downtown Peterborough. Photo by David Tuan Bui, PTBOCanada

The DBIA office is open from Monday to Friday with business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You can contact them at (705) 748-4774. There is a minimum purchase of $25. The cards are 100% recyclable but not reloadable (yet).

“People can take that card and explore downtown in a whole new way,” said Flood. “We’re excited to see how this transforms the way people shop downtown.”

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Peterborough Illustrator Gets Crafty For Kraft Dinner Facebook Campaign

Local illustrator Jason Wilkins has scored a sweet gig for a Kraft Dinner social media campaign. As he tells us, "I got an email from Scott, a producer at Anomaly, the creative ad agency for Kraft Foods. His creative team thought my illustrative approach to caricature would be perfect for Kraft Dinner's upcoming Facebook campaign. Throughout the month of August, fans will post pictures of themselves enjoying Kraft Dinner in creative ways. I'll then draw caricature versions of the winning entries which will be posted to Kraft's Facebook page. Being a longtime fan of KD, it's just awesome to be teaming up with them to create something their nearly half a million Facebook followers will enjoy!"

Take a look at the Before & After launch image to campaign...


Before image of a huge KD fan

Before image of a huge KD fan


Jason's caricature of person that will kick off the KD campaign

Jason's caricature of person that will kick off the KD campaign

Here are some more samples of Jason's illustrative caricature work...

Learn more about Jason on his Facebook page.

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What Do You Think Of Electronic Signs?

You have until August 26th to fill out the Sign By-law Review Survey to voice your thoughts, concerns and comments about electronic sign technology in the city. Are they an eyesore? Are there too many of them? Or do they not bother you at all? Tell us in the comments section below and fill out the city survey above...


This sign above is located at the corner of Monaghan and Lansdowne Streets.


This one above at Farmboy will catch your eye as you head west on Lansdowne Street.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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Community Foundations Launch Search For Faces Of New National Advertising Campaign

Canada’s community foundations have launched a nationwide talent search for local champions to star in the movement’s first advertising campaign.  “We are encouraging Peterborough residents who embody the spirit of our community to audition,” says Andrea Dicks, Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough. “We are looking for people who love their community and the spotlight to come forward and be part of our campaign.” To find people to star in the television and radio campaign, Community Foundations will be holding auditions on YouTube. Follow the details at


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A Creative Cocktail Happens This Tuesday Evening At Market Hall

This Tuesday (February 7th), Market Hall (140 Charlotte Street) will be the venue for the latest Creative Cocktail. From 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., you will have the opportunity to meet, network and collaborate with professionals from local businesses. If you would like to attend or for more info, contact Chantelle Held by email, call 705.743.0777 ext. 2132 or RSVP via Twitter or Facebook.


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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Sexist Bar Ad In Peterborough That Crosses The Line

After our post the other day, "Local Health Organizations Justifably Concerned About 'Free Girl With Every Can' Beer Billboards", a PtboCanada female reader tipped us off about the poster (at right) downtown at the White House Hotel advertising cheap beer. "Honestly, I found it worse than the Old Milwaukee campaign," she said to us.

Now we know sexist beer ads are ubiquitous, but does that make it right to continue to create posters like this?

We say no way. Take the thing down.

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Local Health Organizations Justifiably Concerned About "Free Girl With Every Can" Beer Billboards

And while Old Milwaukee is apparently removing the ads due to public pressure, what the heck were they thinking in the first place?


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