Auto Connect Sales Makes Donation To Peterborough Child and Family Services New PlayScape
/Auto Connect Sales has made a $1000 donation to Peterborough Child and Family Services to help them complete their new natural playscape at their Antrim Street site.
Photo by Angela O’Grady.
The new Playscape will appear more ‘natural. This project will replace the existing structure with more natural elements like sand, water and open green space. It will be geared more towards younger children than the current structure.
“About five years ago we decided it was time to upgrade our outdoor Playscape, which hasn’t been updated in over 20 years,” said Nicola Lyle, CEO at Peterborough Child and Family Services.
Before they began the planning process, Peterborough Child and Family Services conducted a community consultation to find out what type of play area nearby families wanted. Lyle says that area of town houses a lot of young families, so the consensus was that a play space geared towards young, pre-school aged children would be the best fit. There is no lock on the gate to this facility, so it is open to anyone that wishes to use it.