An Amazing Teacher At St. Teresa's Died This Morning

UPDATE: January 14th.

A tribute is forming to Mr. Fitz at St. Teresa's...

photo by Chloe Morton

photo by Chloe Morton

Mr. Fitz's classroom—and classroom door—was always so inspiring, and he always had different themes for his students...

photo by Chloe Morton

photo by Chloe Morton

The hallway near Mr. Fitz's classroom. His latest theme for students was Scooby Doo.

photo by Chloe Morton

photo by Chloe Morton

Photo by Chloe Morton

Photo by Chloe Morton

Photo by Chloe Morton

Photo by Chloe Morton



A school and community is in mourning and shock after the tragic death of beloved St. Teresa's kindergarten teacher Mr. John Fitzpatrick on Wednesday morning (January 13th).

Fitzpatrick suffered a heart attack in the classroom shortly before the beginning of the school day. He was rushed to nearby PRHC where he passed away.

Fitzpatrick—or "Fitz" as he was known—was an amazing teacher, and loved by all who knew him. He had taught at the school for the past 8 years. 

The PVNC Crisis Response Team is at the school and will be there in upcoming days supporting the students and staff as they cope with this tragedy.

A mass to celebrate Mr. Fitzpatrick's life will be held at the school on Thursday (January 14th) at 2 p.m.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Fitzpatrick's family and all the staff and students at St. Teresa's—an amazing, close knit school.

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