Someone Stole A 6-Foot, 600-Pound Green Avatar Mannequin Wearing A Fur Coat From Lakefield Store Tragically Hipp

Photo via Tragically Hipp Facebook page

Photo via Tragically Hipp Facebook page

The missing Green Lady

The missing Green Lady

If you spot a 6-foot tall, 600-pound green "avatar" mannequin wearing a $300 black fur coat, please notify police.

The "green lady", as she's known, was stolen by a thief on New Year's Eve. She had been bolted onto a metal plate on the front porch of a fashion store called Tragically Hipp on Queen St. in downtown Lakefield, according to a release from Peterborough-Northumberland Crime Stoppers. But all that was left of her after she was stolen was a foot, which was broken off and found still bolted to the front porch.

The mannequin is worth $3,500. As the owners say in this Facebook post, "May she rest in peace or pieces....".

Anyone with any information about this theft is asked to call Crime Stoppers, 1-800-222-TIPS.

[Tragically Hipp Facebook Page]

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