Art Battle Peterborough Returns January 13th At The Venue


Art Battle is a live competitive painting contest where each painter has 20 minutes to come up with a painting. The audience votes on the winners for each round, and the overall winner of the evening. Art Battle is traveling coast to coast to look for artists that will compete at the 2014 Art Battle National Championship.

Back in November (see video above), Art Battle Canada visited Peterborough for Art Battle #77, and next week they will be back again for Art Battle #87. Register to paint via Art Battle's website, and stay up to date with the latest news by following them on Facebook and Twitter.

Limited advance tickets are $10 to attend, while general admission is $15. It will be held at The Venue (286 George St North) on Monday, January 13th at 7 p.m.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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