Maryam Monsef Launches Federal Liberal Nomination Campaign For Peterborough-Kawartha Riding

UPDATE: February 4th. The full press release from today's announcement...

At a gathering of friends and supporters at Sam’s Place in Peterborough, Maryam Monsef announced her candidacy for the Peterborough Kawartha Liberal nomination. "I believe it is time to do politics differently in Peterborough-Kawartha riding and provide a progressive alternative to the politics of division practiced by Steven Harper and the Conservative party. In our community we have clear evidence that the Conservative Party have pursued policies which have hurt, not helped the people of our community.”

Ms. Monsef attended PCVS and is a graduate of Trent University. She is co-founder of the Red Pashmina Campaign, recipient of the YMCA's Peace Medallion in 2013, represented Peterborough at the United Nations for the Commission on the Status of Women in 2013, and is an experienced community organizer. She is a sought after speaker on topics such as leadership, youth, women and inclusion.

Maryam, who recently ran for Mayor in Peterborough and garnered nearly 10,000 votes, pointed to a series of issues which she believes need to be addressed to make our community an even better place to live, work, raise a family and provide every resident an opportunity to achieve their full potential.

“I believe we need a national housing strategy that seeks to provide affordable accommodation, new investments in public transportation to ensure greater access to work and vital services and new investments in infrastructure to help meet the needs of a growing community.” Maryam told her supporters.

She went on to describe the importance of pursuing an economic development strategy which strengthens the small business community, builds a knowledge based economy, promotes the region’s cultural and tourism industries and builds on community strengths to attract investments leading to new jobs.

Ms. Monsef expressed her profound concern with the current government’s approach to environmental issues. “We have an obligation to our children and our children’s children to protect our environment and allow the next generation to enjoy clean water, safe air to breathe, and a natural environment that nurtures the soul and is not polluted by careless use.” She continued, “When it comes to climate change, not only does Steven Harper and his Ministers refuse to act, many of them simply deny it exists.”

Also present at the launch was Cammie Jaquays. Ms. Jaquays recently stepped aside from the nomination race and is now supporting Ms. Monsef. "I congratulate Cammie on her excellent campaign and the large number of new members she has brought into the Liberal party. I am proud to call her friend and am very appreciative of her support,” remarked Maryam.

Over the next few weeks Maryam will be meeting with area residents and asking them to join her in bringing change to Ottawa. Maryam ended her address with a clear commitment to the constituents of Peterborough-Kawartha “I promise to listen carefully, work hard on your behalf and provide a new way of doing politics that responds to the needs of local citizens”. | 705.931.2244 | Twitter @MaryamMonsef |



Breaking news...

Maryam Monsef has announced the launch of her campaign to be the Liberal candidate in the next Federal election and to be Peterborough’s next MP. Her official campaign launch takes place Wednesday, February 4th at 10 a.m at Sam’s Place, 188 Hunter Street West, in Peterborough.

More info to come...

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Peterborough Votes: Election Day & Social Media

UPDATED: Mayor Bennett re-elected for 2nd term, Maryam Monsef finishes second. All the unofficial numbers below via a City of Peterborough release...


NOTE: We'll be updating this post all day with your tweets and more information. Scroll down for more...

*10 Things You Need To Know Regarding Municipal Election -> Click here.

*Follow @CityPtbo for updates.

*Follow us @Ptbo_Canada for updates and tweet us your thoughts all day.

*Unofficial real-time results will be available on the City of Peterborough website after 8 pm.

*Use the hashtags #PtboPoli and #PtboVotes on Twitter.

*Post your election day thoughts to our Facebook post all day.


-> Email us tips/resources all day during Election Coverage to add to this post.

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PTBOCanada Featured Video Post: Maryam Monsef On Why She Should Be Mayor Of Peterborough

Promoted post by Maryam Monsef campaign team

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PTBOCanada Featured Post: Diane Therrien In Town Ward

Promoted post by Diane Therrien campaign team

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Here Is A List Map Of All The Mayoral and City Council Candidates In Peterborough

The Peterborough Chamber created this map below—and a great Municipal Election hug page on Facebook—so share it around!

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Maryam Monsef Enters Mayoral Race In Peterborough

Maryam Monsef has announced she is entering the race as candidate for the next Mayor of Peterborough.

"I believe Peterborough has what it takes to become a world-class city," says Monsef in a media release. "Despite our many gifts and successes, we are not there yet. To be a world-class city we need a better, more sustainable economy. We need neighbourhoods filled with people who have a great sense of community and belonging. I'm ready to lead."

Monsef grew up in Peterborough. She attended Grove and James Strath Public Schools before attending PCVS. She is a proud graduate of Trent University.

"I was raised by a single mother who left the uncertainty of life in Afghanistan so that her daughters could eventually become full and contributing members of society," says Monsef. "Two decades later, I stand here proud to be a product of everything Peterborough does best. The people of Peterborough saved my life. It's time for me to give back."

"My successes are rooted in my belief that dialogue, collaboration and creativity are cornerstones of effective leadership," says Monsef. "I will do the job in a way that will make this community proud."

The slogan for her campaign—which is being run by Jonathan Bennett—is: LISTEN. LEAD. THRIVE. Of note, Monsef is Co-founder of the Red Pashmina Campaign, recipient of the YMCA's Peace Medallion in 2013, represented Peterborough at the United Nations for the Commission on the Status of Women in 2013, and is an eperienced local board member. She was also on Peterborough This Week's list of Peterborough's 20 most influential people in 2013.

You can learn more on her campaign website she is launching.

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PTBOCanada Featured Post: Your PC Candidate Scott Stewart

Scott Stewart

Scott Stewart

There is a lot of excitement in and around 356 Charlotte Street, the headquarters for Scott Stewart and his campaign team. Blue signs line the outside of the building while the inside is bustling with volunteers. The campaign buzz may be focused on the June 12th election and the weeks leading up to it, but there is a history behind Scott's choice to get into politics and his aim to represent Peterborough.

Born and raised on a hobby farm in the former Otonabee Township, Scott grew up in a close-knit family with his parents and two sisters. He graduated from Thomas A. Stewart Secondary, followed by Centennial College with a Diploma in Business Administration. Now married and the father of two post-secondary student children, Scott is currently the President of Carlson Wagonlit/G. Stewart Travel Services Ltd, the family business where he has served in various roles since 1986.

After graduating from college, he planned to head to the city and climb the corporate ladder through hard work and perseverance. He was full of ideas and youthful exuberance, and wanted to make a difference. But the big city corporate life proved less appealing and fulfilling than planned, so Scott decided to put that same exuberance and energy to working hard to make a difference in Peterborough.

Scott with his wife, Alyson, and their children, Sam and Alyssa

Scott with his wife, Alyson, and their children, Sam and Alyssa

Growing up in a close family, Scott says he was always surrounded by politics with both his father and grandfather being involved locally before him. Regardless of his views, he says that everyone in the house was entitled to their own opinions and points of view, and could discuss them openly. After running for a political position at school when he was 18, Scott became increasingly interested in politics. Not wanting to be a career politician, however, it has taken Scott just over 30 years to finally put his name back in the ring.

A self-described adventurer, sportsman, and conservationist, Scott has kept himself as involved in the community as humanly possible over the past few decades. He has competed in Tough Mudder competitions, hiked the Grand Canyon, safely completed the running with the bulls in Spain, and even climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa, as a member of a team which was responsible for raising more than $100,000 for the PRHC Foundation’s Radiation Bunker Campaign.

Scott Stewart with his canvassing team

Scott Stewart with his canvassing team

Watching his children struggle to find good job prospects in Peterborough and even Ontario, Scott says something has to change. That's why he believes in the PC plan to create 1 million jobs over the next 8 years. These jobs will be created by:

·      Balancing the budget within two years

·      Reducing the billions wasted each year on interest by starting to pay down our debt

·      Reducing the government payroll by 10%, returning the focus back to front-line service and away from top-heavy bureaucracy

·      An across-the-board wage freeze for every government employee, including MPPs, and ending gold-plated pensions for new hires

·      Leading by example by shrinking the size of the cabinet from 27 to 16 ministers

·      Opening government contracts to competition to get the best deal for taxpayers

·      Modernizing Ontario's apprenticeship rules to create 200,000 new jobs

·      Reducing taxes on employers by 30%, creating 120,000 jobs

·      Bringing our energy bills under control, helping employers create 40,000 new jobs

·      Implementing a GTA Transportation Plan, creating 96,000 new jobs

·      Reducing personal income tax, creating 47,000 jobs

Dedicated to creating a better Peterborough, Scott would like the support our community in the June 12th election.



For more info on Scott Stewart, contact:
Address: 356 Charlotte St., Peterborough
Phone: 705-743-6772; 705-874-2087
Twitter: @ScottStewartPC
Facebook: ScottStewartPC

If your business/organization is interested in a PTBOCanada Featured Post Advertorial, email

Get To Know Your Wards In Peterborough

With news almost every day of new candidates joining the race to possibly become your next member of City Council, check out this handy map to find out which district you reside in...

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Read Mayor Bennett's Year 3 Report (& Watch & Tweet #Year3 Q's On October 29th When He Appears For Live TV Cogeco Special)

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Mayor Daryl Bennett delivered his Three Year Report Thursday (October 24th). The report, an analysis of City Council’s performance over the first three years of its four year term, highlighted 80 key accomplishments in areas such as financial management, economic developmen and social services. Said Mayor Bennett, “As I see it, we have put our financial house in order. We have invested in both current needs and future obligations. We have approved modest tax increases in accordance with the ability of the community to pay. We have looked out over a longer horizon and charted a course for our future.” 

Do you agree? Well you're invited to interact live with Mayor Bennett on his Three Year Report following the speech of his broadcast on TV Cogeco at 8 PM on Tuesday, October 29. People are encouraged to call in that night to speak with Mayor Bennett; tweet him with their comments using hashtag #Year3—our Neil Morton will be live in the TV Cogeco studio that night to monitor questions over social media and ask the Mayor; or upload video/question now to

Here's the speech he delivered in its entirety... 

Notes For Remarks
Daryl Bennett
Mayor Bennett’s Three Year Report
October 24, 2013 12 Noon
Best Western Hotel

Let me begin with a word of thanks to the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce

For the opportunity to speak with you today.

The Chamber has graciously helped with arrangements for this meeting...

As have TV Cogeco and the Best Western Plus Otonabee Inn...

And I am grateful to all of them.

We created this meeting not only to permit me to report to City
Councillors and the public...

But to set something of a template

That might hopefully become an annual event in the life of our community
in the years ahead.

Speaking of our City Councillors, allow me to introduce them to you now.


Tomorrow marks the third anniversary of the election of the current
Peterborough City Council.

Having completed the first three years of our four year term,

My purpose today is to report to the community on our progress and

As we head into an election year.

I am proud to say that this reporting

Has become something of a defining characteristic of this Council.

I issued my first report on our work as a Council 40 days into the

Then again on the anniversary of the first six months in office...

And again on the completion of our first year.

This was followed last year by the midterm report...

Which looked at our progress in terms of the 45 campaign proposals

I put forward during the 2010 mayoralty campaign.

I prepare these reports

Because I believe that government should be as transparent as possible,

And because it is important to me

That the Councillors and I be fully accountable to our electors,

And to the entire community.   


So ... how have we done over the first three years?

I know that this is a subjective judgement,

And that your opinion is ultimately more important than mine.

In assessing our performance, I have looked at two things:

First, the main issues and themes that emerged during the 2010 election

Including the proposals I made during that same campaign...

And second, the thousands of comments I hear...

And all Councillors hear...

From people from all walks of life ... who ... over the past three

Have taken an active interest in their City and their future.


Let’s begin with our financial state of affairs.

Because of my background in business,

I know that people had high expectations

That Council would put the City’s financial house in solid working

And I believe that we have done exactly that.

Standard & Poor’s credit rating for the City of Peterborough is

This is very good news, and a financial status about which we can be
very proud.

In terms of residential property tax increases,

We have been deliberate in holding them to modest levels,

In order to help keep costs down for Peterborough families.

We have recognized the limits of the ability to pay within our

And we have acted accordingly.

For our industrial and commercial property classes,

We are continuing an 8-year program that balances tax rates in a
business-friendly way,

And we will continue to do so.

As financial managers, we have made a conscious choice to invest in our
long term future.

For those with eyes only on the next horizon or the next election,

It is tempting to ignore the long term capital investments necessary to
support future generations.

We have not done that.

Instead, we have taken stock of our infrastructure deficiencies

And invested in a wide variety of important improvements.

We have an obligation not just to run a City, but to build and maintain
a City as well.

And we have done exactly that.

Last year, there were 240 projects in the capital budget,

Representing an investment of almost $63 Million.

The City is also living well within its means.

We have all heard stories of municipalities in financial trouble as a
result of debt...

Even to the point of bankruptcy.

Not Peterborough.

Measured against provincial standards, the City is using less than half
of its debt capacity.

In fact, even with a debt limit we have set for ourselves...

We are still using only 75 per cent of that capacity.

Our financial house is in very good order,

And it will continue to be so.

Finally, as Councillors, we walked the financial walk ourselves...

Freezing our salaries and then limiting our annual pay increases

To the Consumer Price Index or the lowest CUPE settlement...

Whichever is less.

Your Councillors will not accept a wage increase that is greater than
the increase given to its staff.

And that is as it should be.


Let me raise the question of vision.

It’s a word that carries big meaning

And is important for every organization.

Right from the beginning of the term,

Most City Councillors sensed a measure of uncertainty in the community

About where the City was headed.

And while cities are always a work in progress,

And always will be...

The continuing course of our transition away from an industrial economic

Was raising more questions than it was answering.  

As a community, we were not clear on a collective vision...

And we were unsure about the roadmap that could direct us all in a
common cause.

It’s been said that if you don’t know where you are going,

Any road will get you there.

So we set out to do some important planning.

I include here,

The development of a new Peterborough Official Plan.

The approval of a new Housing and Homelessness Plan.

The approval of a new Sustainable Peterborough Plan.

The approval of a new Municipal Cultural Plan.

The approval of a new Comprehensive Transportation Plan.

The approval of a new Public Transit Operations Review.

The approval of a new Waste Management Master Plan.

The approval of a new Flood Reduction Master Plan.

The approval of a new Urban Forest Strategic Plan.

The approval of a new Morrow Park Master Plan.

And the development of a Climate Change Action Plan.

This is not a shopping list.

And I hope it won’t be seen that way.

It is, I think, tangible proof of our ability to look forward...

To consult with people ... to listen to expert advice ... and to chart a
new course for the future...

In which our constituents can find both affirmation and acceptance.


Let me turn to the way we conduct the people’s business.

I know this is not at the top of everyone’s list of accomplishments,

But we hear about it all the time.

Your Council functions without acrimony or outburst.

We choose decorum over discourtesy.

We value all that is collegial and cooperative.

We disagree, yes ... but we do so in ways that respect differing points
of view,

All of which are welcome at our table.

That success, I believe, is the result of a determined focus on
Councillor needs and services.

In the first year of the term, we put in place a modified version of
zero-based budgeting

So that Councillors would have a more meaningful say in the early stages
of setting the annual budget.

And it has worked.

We have updated our Procedure Bylaw

And established new Councillor Portfolios for seniors, economic
development and multicultural diversity.

We have been innovative in serving Councillors with new services, new

And a new measure of autonomy in the use of their own discretionary

We delegated a number of responsibilities to staff

So that Councillors could increasingly focus on the big picture.

Our purpose with all of these changes was to modernize the role of

And strengthen their capacities as corporate managers.

And it has worked.

Most importantly, we have instituted a new customer-driven culture
across the organization,

Supported by mandatory staff training sessions,

And based on the simple but stirring idea

That the people of the City are our customers,

And that we are in business to serve them.


Economic development is on everyone’s radar.

And we are no exception.

Three Councillors ... myself included ... have assumed Portfolio
responsibilities for economic development.

We have now initiated hundreds of meetings with current employers and
prospective investors...

Many of whom have never been approached by the City...

So we could speak with them about the future they see for themselves,
their employees and their families...

And how we can help them get there.

So how have we done?

Well, we put in place the largest public works project in the City’s

And a key factor in our future economic success...

That being the expansion and upgrading of the Peterborough Airport...

Including the new Airport Terminal Building...

Improvements to the roadways, runways, aprons, and hangars...

The new Seneca College School of Aviation and Flight Technology...

And the development of a new aviation business community.

We approved the largest residential subdivision in the City’s history,

And we created guidelines to permit new subdivisions embodying the
principles of the new urbanism.

We approved the redevelopment of the former St. Joseph’s Hospital site
in East City,

Which is now underway.

We continue to invest in the downtown,

Where we have waived development charges in certain areas...

Reduced parking requirements...

And invested millions of dollars in capital improvements.

We put in place two new Community Improvement Plans that offer
substantial financial incentives

Such as grants,

And the reducing and waiving of property tax increases, fees and
development charges...

In order to stimulate new private sector investment and renewal in the
Central Area,

And to encourage the development of affordable housing across the City.

We created a new and results-based contractual relationship with
Peterborough Economic Development,

Where the focus is now squarely on employment retention and attraction.

Through the City of Peterborough Holdings, Inc.

We undertook new hydro generation business arrangements with Trent
University for the management of the Stanley Adamson Powerhouse...

And we are investing in upgraded hydro facilities at the London Street
Generating Station.  

We supported the new Kawartha Trades and Technology Centre at Fleming

And we declared ourselves a potential host for a new casino.

While economic development and job creation are areas

That are largely influenced by the policies and programs of senior

We strive to create the environment that attracts investment,

And this remains a primary focus of everything we do.


Government business is about people.

If it’s not, then it should be out of business.

In terms of social policy,

Your Council was successful ... even with a tightening of its financial

In maintaining all its social services in place.

Until this year.

In spite of our best efforts ... including the investment of our own
additional property tax dollars and determined lobbying at Queen’s

The provincial cuts to one program ... the Ontario Works Discretionary

Went into effect this year.

Notwithstanding that provincial decision,

We have continued to maintain a very extensive suite of social services,

Including financial assistance, housing, transportation and food

Children’s services ... employment services ... community dental
services ... and emergency shelter and assistance.

In terms of those in greatest need,

We created an after-hours emergency telephone line for food, shelter and

We funded the new Lighthouse Drop-in Centre to replace the former Our
Space facility.

And we put in place a new winter warming protocol

So that no person in need who seeks help will be put at risk.    

I have said before that a community can be measured

By the way it looks after those who are least able to look after

And this is still the guidepost that marks our way.

And let’s be clear about our increasingly diverse community,

Where multicultural Canadians represent growth opportunities

In terms of population, employment and investment.

The City has created a new immigration portal.

We have supported the new Canadians Centre and the Workplace Integration

And we have recently sponsored a first ever meeting with multicultural
business community,

Which is intended to support the success and the expansion of that
sector over time.


For years now, we have heard the call for improved sports and
recreational facilities in the City,

Particularly through two innovative Summits put on by Sport Kawartha.

Based on a new approach to partnerships, we have made good progress in
answering that call...

With a new state-of-the-art, multipurpose, artificial turf field and
track at TASSS...

Which will allow for evening events and extended seasonal use...

With two new outstanding artificial sports fields at Fleming College
that are now nearing completion...

With our continued funding of the new Trent Community Sport and
Recreation Centre...

And a good prospect for the development of a new baseball facility on
Trent lands...

With the approval of the new Morrow Park Master Plan...

With the work underway to replace the Northcrest Arena...

With the opening of new splash pads at Nicholls Oval and Rogers Cove...

With the completion of the Millenium Trail from Millenium Park to
Jackson Creek...

And with the rebuilding of the CPR footbridge and trail over the
Otonabee River.


We also heard from people that it was ... as many of them so eloquently
put it...

Time to get on with the job.

By that they meant turning the heat up on projects

That seemed to have more currency in the talking than the doing.

And so we did.

I include here the three sports fields I referred to earlier...

The completion of the improvements to the Hunter Street Bridge...

The opening of the renovated Market Hall...

The building of the new Fire Hall on Clonsilla Avenue...

The completion of Medical Drive on the Parkway corridor...

The development of new student housing on Water Street...

The renovations and accessibility improvements at City Hall...

And the upgrading of Lansdowne Street West ... a project that had been
on the books since 1991.

In carrying out this work, we have not abandoned our environmental

In fact, we have reinforced them...

With a new policy of installing solar panels on City buildings, where

With the highest rate of diversion of residential waste in the City’s

With the mining of methane gas for power generation at our waste

With the introduction of the City’s first Environment Day...

With the collection of more than 270,000 kilograms of electronic waste

With the installation of new street waste receptacles...

And with the expansion of our cycling lanes and trail system.


As you can imagine, the list of accomplishments goes on.

I could include the development of a new cell tower policy...

The licensing of rooming houses...

Automated stop announcements on City buses...

The first ever proclamation of International Women’s Day...

The agreement to purchase waterfront land at the Navy Club...

And the strengthening of the City’s no smoking bylaw...

Just to name a few.

The point is that we have listened to people and acted in their


As I see it, we have put our financial house in order.

We have invested in both current needs and future obligations.

We have approved modest tax increases in accordance with the ability of
the community to pay.

We have looked out over a longer horizon and charted a course for our

We have created a culture that values civility and cooperation ... and
is driven by the highest ideals of customer service.

We have completed the projects that needed completing.

And we have done so with a focus squarely on the two most fundamental
pillars of City building...

That is, the aggressive promotion of economic wealth...

And the fair and equitable distribution of that wealth.

I am grateful to all Councillors ... to City staff ... and to my own

For the work that they have done in advancing the interests of our

And for committing to a fourth year of the same.

Thank you. 


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The City Of Peterborough Embraces Social Media By Joining Twitter @CityPtbo

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The City of Peterborough has taken a big step—they are on Twitter and tweeting  @CityPtbo. We wanted to find out why they took this step now, and the back story on how it came together. Heather Watson, Councillor Services Assistant with the City of Peterborough, explains in this interview.

PTBOCANADA: This is a big step for the city. How much planning and logistics went into deciding to activate this account? Has it been in the works for a while? Many internal conversations? What were your main concerns in joining Twitter?

WATSON: There has been a group working on a social media policy since the Mayor was elected in 2010. After much collaboration, a social media policy was adopted by Council in the Spring of this year. The policy and accompanying procedure explored the use of various social channels by each of the departments within the City. Concerns discussed and addressed were the timely responses to postings, regular monitoring and security (password management, who has access etc.).
The Mayor's Office was not involved in the working group, however we did have input once a draft policy was presented. Our concern was to ensure that members of Council would be free to maintain social media profiles and respond to their constituents in a way that they saw fit. We also wanted to know that staff who managed the accounts were able to respond to requests made through social channels in a timely way to provide good customer service.

PTBOCANADA: Who will be looking after the account and will it be monitored during weekdays only? Will there be interaction with Tweeters (aka "tweeps") who have  questions/concerns?
WATSON: Any City department or program can start a social profile. As in the case of the City of Peterborough Twitter account, staff are assigned to be responsible for the management, monitoring and responding to queries. The @CityPtbo is managed through Corporate Services staff member Sharron Hayton. The account will be monitored Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. The purpose of the account is to relay messages as it relates to media releases and information that is already public. Interaction with tweeps will be responsive to questions and to refer them to the right channel.

PTBOCANADA: What is the main "mission" of the account?
WATSON: To get messages out to City residents in a timely way and to respond to customer service inquiries.

PTBOCANADA: Do you see this as another step in the city embracing the age of social media? Mayor Bennett, of course, has been on Twitter for a while.
WATSON: Yes. This is something that Mayor Bennett has been encouraging since being elected. Now that a policy has been adopted by Council, citizens can expect to see more engagement through social channels. He was the first Mayor to tweet in the City of Peterborough, has held two Twitter Town Halls to engage citizens and he proclaimed June 30, 2013 as Social Media Day in the City to recognize the important role that social media plays in our community.

PTBOCANADA: Will it be used in times of emergency for the city?

WATSON: This account will be used to get timely information out to citizens during times of emergency.


Note: Watson notes there are a number number of City departments/programs that currently maintain Twitter sites. Here they are:
Peterborough Airport: @PtboAirport
GPA EDC: @PtboEcDev
Peterborough Fire Services: @PtboFireRescue
Peterborough Museum & Archives: @OntheHill3
Peterborough Lakefield Police: @PLCPS
Peterborough Sport & Wellness Centre: @PSWC1
Peterborough Transit: @PeterboroughTr1
Peterborough Utilities: @ptbo_utilities
Riverview Park & Zoo: @RiverviewZoo

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