PTBOCanada Featured Post: Diane Therrien In Town Ward
/Diane Therrien
Though it’s easily the smallest of Peterborough’s 5 Wards size wise, Town Ward is the heartbeat of our community. It’s where the city’s locally owned, small business-driven downtown is located. The success of a community’s downtown is vital for the entire center to prosper, which is why the future of Town Ward can’t be downplayed. Simply put, it needs to flourish. There are no other options!
Diane Therrien is a longtime Town Ward resident, and a Masters graduate from Trent University. She is currently the Facilitator of Community Education and Engagement for the Peterborough Poverty Reduction Network, and has previously worked as a Policy Advisor for the Government of Ontario. Living in Town Ward and experiencing it daily, Diane knows the challenges facing its residents and wants to create a long lasting positive change for our city. She is committed to social justice, inclusive community building, and representing voices that are not currently heard at City Council.
Diane knows that we need to work hard to build a better future for Peterborough. Making solid investments now, rather than coming up with band-aid solutions, will save money in the long run. She wants to leave a strong, vibrant city for our children and grandchildren. In order to do so, we must support innovative employment and work with current local businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups to help downtown prosper. Jobs created in Peterborough are jobs that stay in Peterborough.
It’s no secret that Town Ward is as diverse of an environment as it gets in Peterborough. Diane knows we need to invest in green space, arts and culture, and safe, complete streets to create a greater sense of community where people from Peterborough and outside of town will want to visit regularly.
Diane’s vision for Peterborough includes the following...
• Safe, walkable streets and neighbourhoods;
• A vibrant downtown where local businesses thrive;
• New approaches to job creation and retention, focusing on small and medium sized business, start-ups, and entrepreneurs;
• Redevelopment of underused sites in Town Ward, instead of building on the fringes of our city;
• Requiring large business looking to develop in Peterborough to include residential units and other mixed-use zoning;
• More transparency and accountability among elected officials;
• Focus on our public transit system and active transportation like cycling and walking;
• Investment in and promotion of arts and culture, and sports and recreation;
• Better snow removal policies, so that everyone, particularly seniors and those with mobility challenges, can get around safely in winter
Diane has the dedication, knowledge and passion for this city and will serve our community well on council. Most importantly, we all need to work to get out the vote. It is the centre point of living in a democratic society, and too few people do it. There is literally no easier way to affect the neighbourhood you live in than by voting in the municipal election. In our last municipal election, voter turnout was less than 45%. Let’s work to bring that number up and bring new voices to the council table!
Learn more about why Diane is running in this YouTube video from TV Cogeco Peterborough...
For more information on Diane and her vision for Peterborough, visit:
Twitter: @DianeNTherrien
Facebook: therrientownward
To see if you are registered to Vote, click here.
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