'Walter' Released Into Canal Ahead of the 34th Annual OFAH Under the Lock Fishing Derby
/The first school of fish arrived at the Peterborough Lift Lock as top prize rainbow trout ‘Walter’ was released into the water on Wednesday afternoon to help kick off the 34th Annual Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) Under the Lock Fishing Derby.
GORDON BOWLEY, FISHING DERBY co-CHAIR toses one of 30 trout that went into the Lift Lock canal on WEdnesday afternoon. Photo by Samantha Bianco.
Walter is a rainbow trout weighing roughly eight to 10 lbs. at a length of 20-24 inches. Anyone who catches him gets the grand prize of $1,000. There are 500 tagged trout for instant prizes and a chance to win one of four grand prizes. Instant prizes include fishing nets, tackle boxes, fishing rods and other fishing gear.
This is the second consecutive year the derby has run since the COVID-19 pandemic. It took a two-year hiatus prior to its return last year.
“Fishing season for trout opened last weekend so we're near the beginning of the season and for me, it's my psychological rehabilitation over a long cold winter,” laughed Gordon Bowley, OFAH fishing derby co-chair.
Walter returns as the top prize fish earning the angler who catches him $1,000. Photo by Samantha Bianco.