PtboPics: A Peterborough Weekend Wrap-Up In Pictures
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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There were 25 photo walkers (see pic above) who came from around Peterborough and even as far as Oshawa to take part in the Worldwide Photo Walk on Saturday. The two hour walk started at Natas Cafe—the staff were kind enough to open early to supply the photographers with java—then went across Hunter Street all the way to the Lift Lock. The walk then wrapped back around through East City across the footpath on the bridge at the end of Maria Street, and ended at Silver Bean Café.
On August 7th, the walk leader, Evan Holt (PtboCanada's creative director), will choose the best photo which will go on to compete again the other best photos from around the world. The grand prize winning photo, along with 10 finalists, will be chosen on August 14th.
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Peterborough is partaking in the 3rd Annual Worldwide Photo Walk this Saturday (July 24th). The photo walk leader in the Patch is PtboCanada's very own photographer, Evan Holt. All participants should meet up first at Natas Cafe at 8:45 a.m. ("torrential downpour" rain date is Sunday the 25th). After that, the group will set out across the Hunter Street Bridge, through downtown East City and over to the Lift Lock. The trip back will take the group past Rogers Cove and along the Millennium Trail. The walk ends at around 10:30 a.m. at Silver Bean Café in Millennium Park.
The idea is to capture great images, and submit your best one to the walk leader, Evan. The person selected as having the best photo of the walk will win a free photography book and go on to compete against the other best photos taken from Worldwide Photo Walk groups from around the planet—in 2008, there were 241 groups that participated in Worldwide Photo Walk; in 2009, there were more than 900 groups; and this year there are already more than 1,100 groups.
There is no fee to participate, but pre-registration is required. All you need is a camera—even a disposable will do—and feel free to ask any photography questions you may have to Evan. The day is about having fun and exploring a bit of Peterborough.
[Worldwide Photo Walk; Peterborough ON Worldwide Photo Walk]
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