Forest Hill Real Estate Hosting Second Pumpkin Giveaway Food Drive For St. Vincent de Paul

Forest Hill Real Estate Inc. Brokerage is bringing back its ‘Annual Great Pumpkin Giveaway’ with a two-day event to collect non-perishable goods for St. Vincent de Paul this weekend.

Last year, Forest Hill gave away over 500 pumpkins and collected three bins of food items. File Photo.

The event runs from runs from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on both days. Saturday is at Highlands Park in Millbrook (where Station Drive meets Pristine Trail) while Sunday is at Jackson Creek Meadows (where Chandler Cresent meets Avery Avenue).

The real estate business requests one non-perishable food item in exchange for a pumpkin (one pumpkin per family while supplies last). The event also has contests, giveaways, prizes and more.

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Local Author and Illustrator Publish Children's Fantasy Book 'Polly & The Pumpkin Patch Pixie'

Inclusion and individuality, inspired by real-life events come to life from local author Niki Allday and illustrator Kaylah Wilson as they published a children’s fantasy book ‘Polly & The Pumpkin Patch Pixie.’

17-year-old Kaylah Wilson (left) and Niki Allday (right) with her two children. The book took roughly 18 months to create with illustrations beginning since February. Photos courtesy of Niki Allday.

The book is a fairytale with the protagonist Polly and her pixie friend in a magical pumpkin adventure. It is based on Allday’s experiences visiting Cody & Kelsie's Veggy Patch in Millbrook with her children, drawing a simile between people and pumpkins.

“I hope people understand the underlying message of inclusion and individuality,” explained Allday. “We all come in different colours, shapes and sizes, just like the pumpkins.”

The book is inspired from visits to Cody & Kelsie's Veggy Patch in Millbrook as it is a ‘magical’ pumpkin patch described by Allday. Photo courtesy of Niki ALlday.

The book is already available online at Amazon and is planned to be sold locally at Watson & Lou and Bellies & Babies. Cody & Kelsie's Veggy Patch is also selling copies during the fall season.

Polly & The Pumpkin Patch Pixie took one-and-a-half years from start to finish to complete. Allday had the help of 17-year-old student Wilson who illustrated the book, beginning work early this year.

“Kaylah had started her illustrations in February, working through her exams and keeping a very tight deadline so we could move forward with publishing for our fall launch,” said Allday. “Kaylah was so easy to work with and seeing my story come to life, was a beautiful experience.”

Allday is also a photographer atop her authoring career. Photo courtesy of Niki ALlday.

Allday said she stuck to strict deadlines to get it ready for the fall season, appropriately enough to match the setting of her book.

The pair have a book signing scheduled at Chapters on Lansdowne Street for Sept. 30.

I am so proud of us both and truly grateful to Chapters for hosting us and for the local shops offering to sell copies,” exclaimed Allday.

One of Allday’s most rewarding moments of writing and publishing a book is being able to share it with her two children.

“It’s a very special feeling laying in bed reading your children a story you wrote, that was inspired by a memory spent with them,” she said.

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Ennismore Man Puts His 1,659-Pound Pumpkin On Display At Toronto Fair

It may be one of the biggest pumpkins Peterborough County has ever seen as Ennismore’s Norman Kyle grew and displayed his 1,659-pound pumpkin at the 2022 Royal Agriculture Winter Fair in Toronto from Nov. 4 to 13.

Kyle has grown a slightly smaller pumpkin that weighed 1,490 lbs. which was his then-biggest grown. Photo courtesy of the Ennismore Garden Club.

“If you did a circumference (measurement) on my pumpkin, it was 16 feet, eight inches,” recalls Kyle. “It’s a huge veggie no question.”

Kyle is no stranger to growing larger-than-life vegetables as he has grown a pumpkin that weighed 1,490 lbs. His four-pound tomato and 35-pound rutabaga are two other grown produce that accompanies his massive pumpkin.

The Ennismore man has grown giant vegetables for fifteen years. It started as a retirement project that quickly turned into a passion.

He belongs to the Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario, a non-profit group of vegetable growers.

Kyle says this year’s prized pumpkin grew from a seed which came from a pumpkin grown within the group.

“One thing about our organization is that they share everything. All kinds of information. What’s working good, we pass it along.” he explained. “I can’t honestly tell you that there are any secrets. If you ask a question to another grower, he is only too happy to provide the answer to you.”

For beginners growing their own giant vegetables, Kyle says to remember that soil is a major component.

“I use compost. I probably add to my garden between five and ten cubic yards of compost every year. Everything is pretty well organic that we use,” says Kyle. “Get some good soil, get a good seed and away you go.”

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Local Real Estate Holding Inaugural Pumpkin Giveaway In Food Drive For Local Food Banks

Forest Hill Real Estate Inc. Brokerage is getting in the Halloween spirit as they are hosting their first ‘Annual Great Pumpkin Giveaway’ at the corner of Chandler Crescent and Parkhill Road this Saturday.

File Photo.

The giveaway is from 1 p.m to 3 p.m.

The real estate business is requesting one non-perishable food item in exchange for a pumpkin (one pumpkin per family while supplies last). Complementary hot chocolate is being served at the event as well as free swag bags from The Ten Spot.

All food donations are being donated to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

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The Keene Pumpkin Festival Is Back For Oct. 15

Keene is seeing orange again for next month as The Keene Pumpkin Festival returns Oct. 15 announced on Monday.

Photo courtesy of The Keene Pumpkin Festival.

The one-day festival runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Village of Keene.

With the parade at 9 a.m. and the great pumpkin weigh-off at noon, The family-friendly event features the pumpkin pyramid, straw bale maze, axe throwing and Maple the Milking Cow.

The festival has a vendor’s market, critter visits, food, draws, live music and more. The Antique Car Show and Dog Show are both returning this year.

New to the festival is an Indigenous art display of quilling at the historical society display.

Admission is $2 a person at the festival gate. For more information, visit The Keene Pumpkin Festival website.

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The Most Adorable Peterborough Video Of 2018 Might Be These Meerkats With A Halloween Pumpkin At Peterborough Zoo

A cute video the Riverview Park & Zoo recent posted to their Facebook page is getting thousands of views across various social media platforms.

The zoo thanked all the people that dropped off pumpkins there after Halloween, as the pumpkins are great enrichment for many of their animals. The pumpkins were definitely a smashing success for the Meerkats.

The post has become of our most retweeted of 2018…

Watch the Riverview Park & Zoo’s original video that has amassed nearly 12,000 views so far on their Facebook page…

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