Lost In Time: Old Water Fountain Hidden In Plain Sight Exposed At Lift Lock

During the rehabilitation work being done to the earth dams at the Lift Lock, crews found and exposed remnants from the original water fountain on the East side they knew was there from the 1900s (the Lift Lock itself opened in 1904) that has not been used in a long, long time.

Here is what it looks like now after trees were removed from around it...

Image courtesy Parks Canada

It's literally been hiding in plain sight for many decades under all the tree growth and vegetation...

Image courtesy Parks Canada

Here is what the functioning fountain looked like way back in the day (date unknown) with kids using it...

Historical image courtesy Parks Canada

Parks Canada tells PTBOCanada they do not know much about the fountain, other that it was a known entity. 

Through the course of rehabilitating that big earth berm, it would be great to see the old fountain brought back to life. Only time will tells what happens from this Peterborough remnant of the past.

[Note that the water is not safe for drinking, as it is ground and canal water.]

Know anything about this old fountain? Email us.

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