Why You Should Vote On October 27th Peterborough
/Leading Mayoral candidates: Maryam Monsef & Incumbent Daryl Bennett
Peterborough is one of the greatest cities anywhere—one of Canada's most secretly awesome cities. But we know that. You know that. We trumpet that all the time here: the amazing people (and their animals), organizations, institutions, non-profits, charities and businesses that make this community what it is. In many respects, it's a community of collaboration. Build a city together, not in silos.
It's stunningly beautiful, this gateway to the Kawarthas—and pretty much anyone who visits here or lives here raves about it. It has all the amenities of a big city, and then some. And the best zoo anywhere.
So yes, there is lots of greatness here—so get ready for "great" (repeat) in this paragraph. We have great businesses. We have a great emerging tech (and green tech) sector. We have great organizations like Peterborough Economic Development working to bring business here (and create jobs)—"Let's do Business” is one of their mottos—and the Peterborough Chamber (one of the best Chambers anywhere) working to help grow existing businesses (like ours), make them sustainable and advocate on their behalf. We have great post-secondary institutions in Trent University and Fleming College. We have great (and diverse) restaurants, pubs, cafés and retail stores. We have a great music, arts and cultural scene. We are a great sports town, and the Petes and Lakers are known far and wide. And most important, we have great people all around us. Peterborough is a city of great people.
But everyone knows there is room for improvement in this city; there always is. This is a particularly crucial phase, this next four years. There are many questions—and no easy answers—in the city around jobs, sustainable economy, economic development, green spaces, urban sprawl, development, Parkway (or no Parkway), taxes, the downtown, crime, addiction, social services, keeping young people here, etc.
Which is why October 27th is so damn important. It's the Mayor (and city council) you elect who sets the tone for this city. They are representatives/ambassadors for you—the constituent—and for the city on a local, and sometimes, national and world stage. They are a vital, essential part in where we are now, and where we're going to move forward as a city in healthy ways.
So be engaged. Get informed. Go to the debates. Go to the candidates' websites and social media pages. Learn their platforms and policies. Ask questions. Tweet, email and call your candidates. Stop them on the street. Talk to your colleagues, friends and family. What are they saying?
The city is buzzing about this election because of the amazing candidates running for city council, school board trustee and Mayor. They all care about city building, which is why they're running. There is no excuse for voter apathy/angst/cynicism this time out.
Now it's up to you to get out there and vote. Find out everything you need to know about voting by going to Peterborough.ca/vote.
Voting is your democratic right and one so many people in other countries don't have, so exercise it. Cast your ballot October 27th.
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