Read Mayor Bennett's Statement On A Report The Police Services Board Is Trying To Remove Him
/Photo: Evan HoltPeterborough Mayor Daryl Bennett today released the following statement to media:
A media report indicates that the Peterborough Lakefield Police Services Board has made an application to the Ontario Civilian Police Commission to attempt to remove me from the Board.
I have no notice or knowledge of any such application, nor have I had any indication from any Board member that such an action was being contemplated. If such an action has been taken, it clearly would have been appropriate and respectful to advise me of same.
An application of this sort would represent a rogue action focused on petty politics rather than quality policing. If there is lingering disappointment on the part of the Board that the Police Service did not receive its full 8.4% budget increase from the City this year, that disappointment must be put aside in the interest of civility and an acceptance of the public will. There is a time to graciously accept the will of the elected members of City Council and their constituents, and this is it.
I am aware that the Board has maintained a secret file on me, which I have not been permitted to see, and that there may be similar files on other Councillors. It is very troubling that the Board has adopted a practice of maintaining secret files on those with whom it disagrees. Nonetheless, I am hopeful that Board members will do the right thing and, like all other public agencies, focus their energies on serving people rather than attacking them.
The statement is issued in Daryl Bennett's capacity as Mayor and not as a Member of the Peterborough Lakefield Police Services Board.
[UPDATE: 2:11 p.m. July 4th]
Media Release Response From The Board...
Media Release Response From The Board...
July 4, 2012
The Police Services Board does not have the authority to remove a member from the Board.
According to the Police Services Act, the authority to investigate the conduct of a board member and impose sanctions rests with the Ontario Civilian Police Commission.
The board continues to carry out its responsibilities to uphold the integrity of the Police Services Act and to ensure the citizens of Peterborough and Lakefield have adequate and effective policing.
There will be no further statements at this time.
Thank you
Nancy Martin Board Chair
Nancy Martin Board Chair
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