Hometown PTBO: Pete Dalliday and PTBOCanada Send Off the Holidays With the Weber Brothers

This week on Hometown PTBO, Pete Dalliday This week on Hometown PTBO, Pete Dalliday and PTBOCanada want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays as we finish off the year with some music from The Weber Brothers.

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Nominate a Local Business to ‘Beat the Blue Monday’ with Showplace

The Showplace Performance Centre presents Beat the Blue Monday, bringing free music performances to brighten workplaces across Peterborough on Jan. 16.

Photo courtesy of Mary Zita Payne.

Between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on the third Monday of the year, various local businesses throughout central Peterborough will have the opportunity to beat the Monday blues with various local talents.

“The third Monday in January is said to be ‘the most depressing day of the year,’ says Showplace in a press release. “The sub-zero temperatures, the lack of daylight, the arrival of our post-Christmas credit card bill. Don’t worry, Showplace is here to help!”

Photo courtesy of Showplace Performance Centre.

Kate Suhr, Melissa Payne and The Weber Brothers will be visiting nominated businesses on their lunch break to spread some light and cheer in the community through the sharing of art.

To nominate a local business, reach out to Showplace via email and tell them which business could use some cheering up. Remember to include the business name and address.

Visit the Showplace website for more information on Beat the Blue Monday and other event listings.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

Hometown PTBO: Sam and Ryan Weber Explain Peterborough's Musical Influence and Their Newly Released Album

This week on Hometown PTBO, Pete Dalliday music duo Sam and Ryan Weber of The Weber Brothers about growing up as musical talents in town, the influential music scene of Peterborough and about their newly released album: Choose Your Own Adventure.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.


Special Weber Brothers Christmas Album Release Party & Musical Play December 19th

The Weber Brothers have a special night planned for Saturday, December 19th at the Market Hall you don't want to miss—a Christmas album release party as well as a self-penned Christmas play entitled When Christmas Falls on Peterborough.

The night is in support of their 10th album, A Weber Brothers Christmas. This self-penned, never-before-seen, one-night-only Christmas play—which happens to be set in Peterborough—will be the sleigh that delivers these songs to the good boys and girls at the Market Hall.

In keeping with the Christmas spirit of giving, a portion of proceeds will be donated to the amazing Peterborough Huskies Special Needs Hockey Team.

The Weber Brothers Christmas Play/Album Release—with special guest Brock Zeman—takes place on December 19th at Market Hall. Doors open at 7 p.m., and the show begins at 8 p.m. An all ages event, tickets are $25 and available at the Market Hall box office at 705.775.1503 and Moondance Records, 705.742.9425.

Engage with us on social media on TwitterInstagram and FacebookWrite to us at tips@ptbocanada.com.

"Before We Arrive: The Story Of The Weber Brothers" Music Documentary

Peterborough's The Weber Brothers have been together for 15 years, performing many coast to coast tours. Like any band, they have gone through ups and downs.

A documentary six years in the works on the band, Before We Arrive: The Story Of The Weber Brothers, is now in post-production. It's directed and produced by Rob Viscardis, and the producer/directory of photography is Jeremy Blair Kelly.

The team behind the doc are launching a crowdfunding campaign to go towards their post­production budget.

For The Weber Brothers, what matters most in their rollercoaster ride of being a band is not fame, fortune, or mainstream success. It's simply about making music. Something this upcoming documentary explores.

"Before We Arrive" is a culmination of events, performances and interviews that have been collected over the past decade and a half from The Weber Brothers’ career.  

Watch the teaser trailer below for the doc, which is slated for release later this year...

First teaser trailer for the film. Stay tuned to http://beforewearrive.com for the films progress.

For more information on the documentary, click here. Visit their website here. Check out their crowdfunding campaign here.

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