250 Trees & Shrubs Planted At Millpond & Station Trail In Millbrook For TD Tree Days
/On Saturday, September 14th, more than 50 volunteers planted 250 new trees and shrubs along the shoreline of the Millbrook Millpond at Medd’s Mountain and along the Station Trail. This planting was part of TD Tree Days, in partnership with TD Canada Trust.
The native species planted included Eastern White Cedar, Speckled Alder, Dogwood, Elderberry, Nannyberry and Willow, which will support natural diversity and wildlife habitat.
Photo courtesy Otonabee Conservation
Otonabee Conservation staff were on-site to provide technical support and share information about the value of trees within the natural environment.
“The planting of trees provides countless benefits from filtering the air we breathe to regulating temperatures and providing shelter to wildlife,” says Meredith Carter, Manager of Watershed Management programs for Otonabee Conservation. “Trees also have a tremendous capacity to capture carbon dioxide, mitigating climate change.”
Photo courtesy Otonabee Conservation
“The day was a great success,” adds Erin McLeod, TD Canada Trust Employee and volunteer Site Leader.
"TD and so many community volunteers had a great time and did an amazing job, which speaks well of the commitment of TD staff, their families, and municipal support from the Township of Cavan Monaghan to improving the local environment and enhancing outdoor recreation opportunities through TD Tree Days."
Photo courtesy Otonabee Conservation