The Peterborough Chamber’s Annual Power Hour Event Wins National Award

The Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce has won the “Canadian Chamber of Commerce Competition” at the Canadian Chamber’s Annual General Meeting, which was held in Saint John, New Brunswick this year.

Each year the competition is focused on a different aspect of the Chamber operation. This year, the competition was titled “Influence in Action - Advocacy through Events”, with an emphasis on events that create profile for the fundamental advocacy work of the Chamber Network. The Peterborough Chamber’s annual Power Hour event was chosen as the 1st Place Winner by some 300 delegates from across Canada.

Left to right: Stu Harrison and Sandra Dueck from Peterborough Chamber of Commerce with Dawn Hennessey, Vice Chair of the Peterborough Chamber Board

The Power Hour is an annual event bringing together the business community and our elected officials. Attendees hear from elected officials at all four levels of government: the MP for Peterborough-Kawartha, the MPP for Peterborough-Kawartha, the Warden for the County of Peterborough, and the Mayor for the City of Peterborough. Also invited as guests are the elected councils for the City and County of Peterborough, First Nations Chiefs and the City and County CAOs.  

The event features a Q&A session, moderated by Peterborough Chamber of Commerce Policy Analyst, Sandra Dueck, with questions provided by the audience. The questions and the discussion further inform the advocacy direction for the Chamber moving forward.

“I couldn’t be prouder of the staff and volunteers of the Chamber,” says President and CEO Stu Harrison of the award. “To have the opportunity to not only showcase our Chamber at the national level, but to be judged the best, is truly an honour.”

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Peterborough Chamber One Of Three Finalists in National Competition

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has announced the three finalists for the 2016 Canadian Chamber Competition, and Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce is among the three along with Burnaby Board of Trade and Calgary Chamber of Commerce.

This is a great honour for the Chamber team and Peterborough to be a finalist in such a noteworthy competition.

Peterborough Chamber team

Each year, members of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce gather for their Annual General Meeting, and the 2016 meeting is taking place September 16th to 19th in Regina, Saskatchewan.

As part of the AGM, the Canadian Chamber holds a competition based on a relevant theme. This year, the theme is “Membership in the Age of Google, How Our Chamber is Reinventing ourselves”. The aim of the competition is to profile chambers of commerce that are innovative in their approach, particularly as it pertains to the theme—and the Peterborough Chamber is one of the finalists.

The Peterborough Chamber submission focussed on the rebranding of the chamber under the “Strengthening Business” banner, as both a slogan and a way of doing business.

Chamber policy analyst Sandra Dueck speaking at OCC AGM 2016 in Oakville

“Our members drive us, and channeling the collective strength of the business community gives us a focused voice on a variety of issues," says Stuart Harrison, President & CEO of the Chamber. "Apart from the lobbying work we do, helping our members grow helps the local economy.”

Learn more about the recognition in this video the Chamber posted to Twitter...

We wish the Chamber all the best at the Finals in Regina.

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Learn 8 Things About Peterborough Chamber's Young Professionals Group (YPG)

The Peterborough Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Group (YPG) is a dynamic group of young business people working to expand their networks and develop new skills. 

At the Chamber's monthly YPG events, they strive to bring together like minded individuals who share a passion and a commitment to continuous development, and a desire to help foster growth both personally and professionally within our community.  

YPG event

YPG event

The YPG's events are open to young professionals in the community as well as anyone that wants to network with young professionals.  

Below Are 9 Things You Might Not Know About The YPG...

YPG event

YPG event

1. YPG was originally called Club Laurus. (Laurus leaves were used in ancient Greeks to crown victors.)

2. YPG was built on the premise of triumph, victory and success for young business professionals.

3. YPG can be a great place to start building professional connections with the Peterborough business community, including the Chamber’s over 900 members.

4. The YPG was first formed in Peterborough in 2007, and will be celebrating its 10th anniversary next year.

YPG event

YPG event

5. The YPG Chair for 2016 is Chris Salmans from SunLife. Past Chairs have included Ben vanVeen, Jim Baird, Lacey Richard, Jason Chessar and Jef Dueck.

6. YPG offers 5 networking events, 3 CEO tours and is the coordinating committee for the Chamber Business Summit.

Montage from YPG events

Montage from YPG events

7. Former YPG Committee Members such as Pat Marren, Jef Dueck, Ben vanVeen, Joe Grant and Scott Mancini have gone on to be members of the Peterborough Chamber board.

8. Through its policy forum, YPGP has been a voice at the table on downtown Peterborough, jobs strategy, unemployment and how municipal services can be improved.

Join the YPG at their next event on Thursday, January 21st, 2016 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Venue for an evening of networking, Peterborough Trivia and an interview with’s Neil Morton (a Chamber board member) on social media, business, entrepreneurship, community and more!  

To learn more about YPG, go to their website and Facebook page. Use the hashtag #YPGPtbo and tweet at @PtboChamber on Twitter at events. To learn more about the Peterborough Chamber, click here.


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A Turtle Is Thinking About Joining The Peterborough Chamber?

Stuart Harrison, CEO of the Peterborough Chamber, was welcomed by a snapping turtle at the front doors of the Chamber this morning (June 17th) and tweeted out this photo below. We're not sure if the turtle was thinking of getting a membership, but if it is boy is the Chamber going viral!

Stuart later tweeted that the turtle is now safe and sound...

[pic via @stoosnews]

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Today Is The 2011 Prosperity Business Trade Show At The Morrow Building

From noon until 7:00 p.m. today is the Peterborough Chamber 2011 Prosperity Trade Show at the Morrow Building (151 Lansdowne St. West).

One hundred and thirty Chamber member businesses are on display there, and it gives you a great opportunity to chat and network with them. So go chat and network with them.

Admission is free and the event is open to the public.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Rocky's Celebrates 50 Years In The Patch

Fab and Rocky Caravaggio being presented a plaque from Anne Arnold from the Peterborough Chamber

Rocky's Cleaners celebrated their 50th Anniversary yesterday and were presented with a commemorative plaque from the Peterborough Chamber.

Rocky's is located at 651 Chamberlain Street and can be reached at (705) 745-9851. They are open Monday and Tuesday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. They are closed Sunday.

This goes out to you Rocky!

[Picture by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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