City of Peterborough Gets Green In Flag-Raising Ceremony to Commemorate Irish Heritage Week In Bi-Centennial Anniversary

It is ‘Top o’ the Mornin’ and 200 years for Peterborough as the City kicked off Irish Heritage Week with a flag-raising ceremony at City Hall on Monday morning.

Bonnie Clark, Peterborough County Warden; Shelley Ryan, Canadian Irish Club president; Brendan Moher, Peterborough Canadian Irish Club and Jeff Leal, Peterborough Mayor prior to the flag raising of Ireland to kick off Irish Heritage Week. pHOTO BY dAVID tUAN bUI.

Members of the Peterborough Canadian Irish Club, residents and dignitaries were present to kick off Irish Heritage Week, as declared by Mayor Jeff Leal for Peterborough.

This year marks several milestones for Peterborough and Irish Heritage. 2025 marks the 200th year that politician Peter Robinson administered the passage and settlement of Irish Catholic families into Scott’s Plains, now known as Peterborough.

“Irish people have are responsible for the names of all these communites in this area, (aside from) First Nations; they are here to be respected as well,” said Brendan Moher of the Peterborough Canadian Irish Club. “A lot of these communities bear the names of Irish people and it is fitting that we honour that legacy and all the people that have come out of this area. ”

Sunday is the 25th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, starting at City Hall and running through George Street until the Peterborough Memorial Centre. This year's parade grand marshall is actor M. John Kennedy playing the role of Peter Robinson.

“There are an awful lot of people in this area that lay claim to Irish heritage,” explained Moher. “Of course, on St. Patrick's Day, everybody lays claims to Irish heritage so we'll be expecting a big increase in the next week.”

This year is also the 175th anniversary of Peterborough's founding, including the Peterborough Police Force. Moher says Robinson would be proud to see what Peterborough has become after all these years.

“People from Ireland continue to come here because of those connections and settle still to this day because of the roots that were laid down,” he said. “It causes growth in the community, comically there will be growth this summer as well because of Irish people coming from Ireland to take part in these bicentennial celebrations.

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Irish Heritage Week Kicked Off With Flag Raising at Peterborough City Hall

Peterborough is getting in the green spirit as City Hall raised the flag of Ireland to kick off Irish Heritage Week on Monday morning.

Maureen Crowley, Peterborough Canadian Irish Club past president (left), Mayor Jeff Leal (middle) and Bonnie Clark, Peterborough County Warden (right) joined members of the club prior to raising the Irish flaG at City Hall. pHOTO BY dAVID tUAN bUI.

Mayor Jeff Leal declared Irish Heritage Week for Peterborough from March 11 to 18.

“I think the last count, 62 per cent of the people here trace their heritage back to Ireland so it's a very important for the Peterborough community,” said Brendan Moher of the Peterborough Canadian Irish Club.

2024 marks the 199th year that politician Peter Robinson administered the passage and settlement of Irish Catholic families into Scott’s Plains, now known as Peterborough.

“We're doing the lead-up now to the 200th anniversary of the Peter Robinson immigration that came to Peterborough,” explained Moher.” (That’s) 2,000 men, women and children back in 1825. We're leading into that for next year so this is an important year.”

Sunday is the 21st annual St. Patrick's Day Parade at 2 p.m., starting at City Hall and running through George Street until the Peterborough Memorial Centre. This year's parade grand marshall is Neil Sanderson, Three Days Grace drummer.

More than 90 entries have been entered into the 21st parade. A 5k run to raise money for Right to Heal, which helps those with mental health and addictions, has been cancelled. All are invited to attend the parade regardless of race and background.

“There's a big tradition here in Peterborough that on St. Patrick's Day, everybody is Irish,” said Moher. “All you have to do is put on a little bit of green and you can certainly join in on all the festivities that will be happening.”

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Douro's Longest-Running Irish Party Returns To St. Joseph's Parish Hall

Douro is going to be green all over as the Peterborough Canadian Irish Club’s St. Patrick’s Day Celebration is returning to the St. Joseph Parish Hall for music, food and children’s activities this Saturday.

Photo courtesy of the Peterborough Canadian Irish Club.

Touted as the longest-running Irish party in Peterborough, the Irish Club’s celebration returns after a lengthy COVID-19 hiatus.

The event begins at 1 p.m., featuring musicians such as Natalie McMaster and Donnell Leahy, Fiddlestix, Roy Boyz and more.

Local band ‘The Patio Stones’ is performing from 7 - 11 p.m. for anyone who wants to get their dancing shoes on.

The day will also include activities for kids and Irish Soda bread for sale. A light dinner is available for purchase from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Tickets are $15 for Irish club members and $17 for non-members. Family passes (two adults and unlimited children) are $25 a member and $27 for non-members. Children under 12 are free admission. Tickets for only dancing (7 - 11 p.m.) are $10 for members or $12 for non-members.

For tickets contact Shelley Ryan (705) 875-5437 or purchase at the door.

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The Longest Running Irish Party In Peterborough Is This Saturday

In keeping with tradition, the Peterborough Canadian Irish Club will host their St. Patrick's Day Celebrations this Saturday (March 17th) from 6 p.m. to midnight at the Evinrude Centre.


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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