Here's Rob Ford At The Leafs Game Last Night, It Ain't Pretty

The Leafs lost last night, again, pretty much eliminating them from the playoffs. Fans weren't happy, and neither was Mayor Rob Ford. He was there and was downright belligerent—to the point ACC security had to ask him to control himself, maybe because the Leafs were losing or possibly because he was denied entry into the exclusive Directors' Lounge, the Star reports. Ford eventually disappeared, hailing a cab or something, as his budget chief who was with him couldn't find him. This clip was sent to Peterborough's PMZ of Ford at the game before he bolted early. Have a watch...

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PMZ's Video From Strutt 4 Kids Fashion Show

Several hundred people flocked to The Market Hall in downtown Peterborough last night to take in Strutt Central's Strutt 4 Kids Fashion Show. The event featured fashion from several local stores and raised more than $25,000 for Five Counties Children's Centre. Not only did the event showcase the latest fashions but it was also a chance for Deejay Dassylva to showcase her athleticism. Deejay, a member of the local fire spinning troupe The Pyro Flys, wowed the crowd with this jaw dropping hoola hoop act below.

Also, Theresa Longo was one of the guest emcees at last night's Strutt 4 Kids; she walked the runway plus introduced the latest clothing lines from Flavour Fashion, Plush Boutique and Save Our Soles. Here she is...

—by PTBOCanada's Scott Arnold

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PMZ Got A Sneak Peek At The New Show CHEX Daily

CHEX Daily debuts October 7th on CHEX TV.

[via PMZ on Twitter

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Watch: PTBOCanada Has Coffee With... Scott Arnold

We're proud to unveil our new video series "Coffee With...", which features a nice relaxed sit-down chat over coffee at the Silver Bean Café with different folk from the community doing neat stuff. In this first video, we sit down with Scott Arnold—our new sports reporter—to chat about his involvement with (shhhh) Peterborough's version of TMZ, PMZ; the 2013 YWCA Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event and the Peterborough Lakers.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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PMZ Captures Footage Of Teddy Bear Charity Toss At Peterborough Memorial Centre

PMZ captured this footage below of 1,600 stuffed toys being tossed onto the ice during last night's game between the Petes and Kingston at the Memorial Centre (the Petes won in OT 3-2!). Fans donated the teddy bears, and Ricky's All Day Grill donated all the toys—and 25 cents from each bear—to the Salvation Army Christmas Toy Drive.

[YouTube; PMZ]

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