After Recent Hack Attack Nexicom Issues Statement To Its Customers

After some Nexicom clients were without their websites and email for almost a week because of a hacker, this recent statement was released by the company:

Beginning immediately Nexicom will be notifying customers that we will be implementing a very focused plan to ensure all of our web hosting environments are migrated to new hardware platforms running the most current versions of operating systems and security software platforms. To the majority of our customers this migration will be transparent and will not have any impact on their system availability. The customer applications that are incompatible with the newer versions of software will be given a definite period of time to bring their applications into compliance or they will be deemed inoperable and taken out of service.


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People Are Getting Just A Tad Frustrated With Nexicom

[***UPDATE: Examiner reports that service should be restored by later tonight or Saturday morning***]

Starting roughly Sunday night, a hacker exploited their way into Nexicom's servers and was able to lockout numerous user's sites. Some of Nexicom's user's sites were defaced and left the users without the ability to change their site back or send and receive email.

Presently, Nexicom has removed the defamatory splash pages, but have yet to restore full service—check out The Canadian Canoe Museum site, for example—or issue an advisory bulletin. Remember, this started on Sunday. And it's now Friday. That's a long time with what's apparently only been sporadic service.

Obviously, Nexicom users in the Patch are growing increasingly frustrated and some are starting to look around for other web hosting companies.

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