Peterborough Blogs
Petes to Officially Unveil New-Look Team Bus Friday At Flavour Fashion In Downtown Peterborough
/The Peterborough Petes—in partnership with Coach Canada, Northern Original Design and East Side Mario’s (Lansdowne)—are excited to officially unveil their newly designed team bus on Friday, November 10th.
What: Official Unveiling of the Petes bus sponsored by East Side Mario’s (Lansdowne) and PTBO Northern Originals
When: Friday, November 10th – 12:30pm
Where: Flavour Fashion – 383 George Street North, Peterborough
Fans and media will hear from representatives of the Peterborough Petes, Northern Original Design and East Side Mario’s (Lansdowne).
East Side Mario’s (Lansdowne), the official sponsor of the team bus, will be providing coupons for all fans in attendance, and will also provide delicious finger foods.
As well, all Petes gear at Flavour Fashion will be discounted for fans in attendance at Friday’s unveiling.
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DBIA Featured Post: Plush Boutique
/Anchored directly in the middle of downtown Peterborough’s “Fashion District”, you will find The Plush Boutique at 384 George St N. Locally owned and operated by Mike and Shelby Watt, Plush is the second of three stores this successful entrepreneurial couple has opened on George St (the others are Flavour Fashion and Save Our Soles). Coming from out of town to study at Trent University, Mike decided to stay and put down roots. After opening Flavour in 1999 to a great response, he would open Plush Boutique as a store for young professionals looking for quality clothing that makes them stand out in a crowd.
Offering brands and styles not found anywhere else in the city, the aim of the store is to specialize, be exclusive, and offer quality clothing that not only shows impeccable craftsmanship but respects the heritage of the brand being presented.
As the face of the brand, you will find Mike at one of his shops at least 3 to 4 days a week. When he isn’t on the floor advising on style, he is in the office or on the road finding new looks that suit each of his shops. His always friendly and welcoming staff is specially trained to help with detailed looks that customers are trying to put together. Often you will find Plush holding “fit clinics” for brands where brand reps will be on site to provide info to interested buyers. These are always a hit.
Plush is also involved with charity work in giving proceeds of sales at various times of the year to various local causes. As a locally owned business, Plush realizes the value in assisting the community it operates in and working to sustain it while pushing for growth in all aspects. Buying local has a very deep meaning for everyone involved.
Learn more about Mike Watt and Plush in this video.
For more on Plush (384 George St N.), go to:
@plushbtq on Twitter page
Phone: 705.741.1812
For more on Downtown Peterborough and the Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA), click here.
—By Aaron Elliott
PTBOCanada's 6th Day Of Christmas: Slippers at Flavour
/With Christmas just around the corner, it doesn't have to be expensive or difficult to find a unique little something for that special someone. To help you find a gift, here is PTBOCanada's 12 Days of Christmas - 12 Local Gifts $20 and under.
Who doesn't crave a new pair of slippers at Christmastime! You can find these Volcom slippers on sale for $19.99 at Flavour (383 George Street North).
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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Video: Watch A Mural Come Together In A Junior Common Room At Trent U
/[YouTube via Flavour Fashion Blogspot]
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Plush Owner Mike Watt Is Channeling Joaquin Phoenix
/Mike Watt, owner of hip Peterborough stores Plush, Flavour Fashion and S.O.S, tells PtboCanada he's not sure when the beard is going to go. For now, he says even though it does get itchy, it's staying put—and continuing to grow. When the beard comes off, we will break the news.
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