GreenUP’s Ecology Park Nursery Opening Event Sparks the Summer Season of Growing

The GreenUP Ecology Park Native Plant & Tree Nursery hosted its Annual Spring Opening Event on May 20; marking the start of the gardening season for hundreds of local gardeners.

photo courtesy of greenup, facebook.

The Ecology Park Native Plant & Tree Nursery is open every year from the Victoria Day long weekend until the Friday before Thanksgiving.

Ecology Park Nursery is known as one of the best local sources for native plants, with over 200 types of edible and native varieties of plants, shrubs, and trees. This year, GreenUP and Ecology Park featured a self-serve bulk compost and mulch station, as well as being host to the first naturalized playscape in Peterborough for the young and young-at-heart to play on while surrounded by plants for sale.

“The Ecology Park Native Plant & Tree Nursery offers climate-resilient plants that are grown slowly and intentionally for the growing season in Peterborough,” said Vern Bastable, director of Ecology Park and GreenUP’s Landscaping Programs.

The Ecology Park Native Plant & Tree Nursery is located at 1899 Ashburnham Drive, with parking available at the Beavermead parking lot via Marsdale Drive. The Ecology Park Nursery will be open Thursdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 10 a.m. 4 p.m. until closing on Thanksgiving weekend. Interested patrons can visit the website and explore native plants that the nursery may carry online before arriving at the park, where the summer staff will assist in finding the desired plants.

“Investing in native species can reap benefits for decades, creating a legacy of a vibrant, healthy community,” continues Bastable. “Native species have developed complex evolutionary relationships with other native species. They belong here, are a familiar part of the landscape, and they support our health and the health of the ecosystem at large.”

The Ecology Park Nursery is operated by GreenUP, this region’s leading environmental non-profit charity. All proceeds from sales support GreenUP’s environmental programs in communities across the Peterborough region.

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Great Blue Heron Announced As Peterborough's Official Bird At EnviroX

The great blue heron has been crowned Peterborough’s first official city bird during the Environmental and Climate Action Expo (EnviroX) at Beavermead Park on Friday.

Photo by Felicia Massey.

EnviroX at Beavermead Park and Ecology Park brought together community partners and municipal workers to teach about initiatives and projects that lead to greenhouse gas emission reductions. They also taught greater environmental sustainability through demonstrations and displays.

Bird Friendly Peterborough (BFP), an organization dedicated to creating Bird Friendly Cities, spoke at EnviroX about the City’s commitment to monitoring bird populations and mitigating any threats.

Earlier this year, it was announced that Peterborough is recognized as a Bird Friendly City.

Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City program certifies cities throughout Canada based on meeting a set of standards pertaining to reducing threats to birds in their municipality, protecting and restoring natural habitats and increasing climate resiliency. Bird Friendly Cities also actively engage their community in these protective and restorative initiatives through education and outreach.

“You only have to walk down trails along the Otonabee, or through Jackson Park to realize that these urban-protected areas host dozens of species year-round,” said Thomas Luloff, Bird Friendly Peterborough vice chair. “They (urban spaces) serve as vital corridors and stop-over places for migratory birds back and forth.”

Luloff, who is also a conservation biology professor at Fleming College, spoke about a big part of becoming a Bird Friendly City: choosing a bird to represent the community.

A community vote took place from Aug. 2 to Sept. 5 for residents to select their favourite local bird species from a list of 16 local birds curated by BFP.

Among the list included many birds, such as the osprey and Northern cardinal but the blue heron came out on top.

“I think the Great Blue Heron is the perfect choice the Peterborough City bird,” said Luloff. “They are resilient; being able to adapt to changing environments, and are found all along out Otonabee River, its waterways and throughout our local marshes and parks.”

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Learn How To Make Handmade Paper At Ecology Park

Have you ever been curious about how to make your own paper but just weren't sure how to go about it?   Well Peterborough GreenUP and Ecology Park are giving you that opportunity Sunday, June 30th, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $20 and you must pre-register by calling 705.745.3238.


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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Upcoming Workshop At Ecology Park Focuses On Ponds And Water Gardens

Water gardens are a big draw for many types of wildlife and a simple way to add interest to a backyard.

Peterborough Green-Up is offering a free workshop this weekend where attendees can learn the basics of water gardens and ponds from local landscaper Steven Charest.

The workshop is being held on Sunday, July 15th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Ecology Park, located at 1867 Ashburnham Drive.  

Charest, a pond and water garden expert, will speak about the different types of water features, ponds, and water gardens commonly found in local backyards, the benefits of installing them and how to get started.

This event is free of charge and pre-registration is not required. For more information on the workshop, contact Cathy Dueck at (705) 745-3238 ext. 212.


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Learn All About Trees By Taking Tree Identification Workshop At Ecology Park This Sunday

Educating yourself about the many aspects of nature that exist around us can allow full appreciation of the important role nature plays in our daily lives. With this in mind, Peterborough Green-Up is giving the community the opportunity to learn more about our local trees through a Tree Identification Workshop to be held this Sunday (August 14th), from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Ecology Park.

Park coordinator and gardening expert Cathy Dueck will lead the workshop, and help participants identify local trees and discuss their importance in our gardens and urban forest. The workshop is free of charge, and runs rain or shine. For more info on the Tree Identification Workshop, or Ecology Park, ring Cathy Dueck at 705.745.3238 ext. 212.

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PtboPics: So Much To Discover At Ecology Park

I have always heard wonderful things about Ecology Park located off Ashburnham Drive, but had never been there... until today. I was completely amazed by this secret little garden that we are so lucky to have in our city. It was a bustling spot with children admiring the scents of the garden, while parents gathered up plants to purchase. If you haven't yet done so, I highly recommend a visit there. Check out their calendar for upcoming events, and contact them to learn more about summer day camp offerings.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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Police Advise Women To Take Caution After Incident At Ecology Park

From a Peterborough-Lakefield Community Police Service release this morning...

Indecent Exposure:
On the 22nd of March at approximately 12:40 pm the victim, a 62-year-old female, was walking through Ecology Park located on Ashburnham Drive when she noticed a male in the park exposing himself.
He is described as being white, approximately 20 years old, 5’8”tall, thin build, wearing a grey hoodie, a metallic like windbreaker and grey track pants. Police advise the public, particularly lone women, to exercise caution when walking alone and to report any suspicious incidents or behaviour to Police. Anyone with information is asked to call the Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service or Crime Stoppers.


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Things I Miss About Peterborough (The Town Where Everybody Knows Your Name)

Up until recently, I called Peterborough my home. I was one of those Trent University students that graduate and decide to stay in Peterborough a bit longer. I truly felt like I wasn’t finished with Peterborough by the time graduation rolled around. I also graduated a few years ahead of my friends, and that was a big factor in my decision to stay. It’s a beautiful city and I really enjoyed my time there.  

After graduating, I worked at Peterborough Green-Up and have since decided to attend baking school in Toronto. After arriving in Toronto, I immediately felt like a fish out of water. This is by far the biggest place I’ve ever lived. I miss Peterborough a lot. Below I've listed a few things that I’m reminiscing about. —by Thalia Bock (aka @thebockster)

1. The town where everybody knows your name  Peterborough was my Cheers bar (if only people shouted, “NORM!” every time I entered a store). After living there for four-ish years, I could barely walk down the street without seeing someone that I knew. I loved it!

 2. Peterborough Green-Up  I honestly miss Peterborough Green-Up. I had such a great experience working there! I was in the Air Quality department, handling the website (, along with sitting at the front desk and answering the phone. Everyone that works there is so incredibly friendly and passionate about what they are doing. When I began working there, I immediately felt at home. There is such a large network of people interested in the environment in Peterborough, doing things like Green Drinks and Car Free Day.

3. The Main Ingredient  One of the first things I noticed about where I live in Toronto is that it is very difficult to find a one stop bulk food store close to home. Some places have lots of spices and nuts, and the others have candy. The Main Ingredient was such a staple in my grocery shopping that I’m going through withdrawal!

4. The Wine Shoppe on Charlotte  Can you tell I like to buy in bulk? Everyone at the Wine Shoppe is so friendly, it blows me away! They’ve even lent me one of their dollies when I realized I couldn’t walk my boxes of wine home. They’re also really great about answering questions to non wine connoisseurs (ahem, me). Also, it’s just plain fun to bottle wine!

 5. The bike paths and parks  I gotta say, Peterborough has a really great trail system! I love the bike ride up to Trent—it’s wonderful in the fall. I thoroughly miss riding my bike around Peterborough. It was always an adventure! The trails are really helpful when trying to navigate Peterborough by bike. Jackson Park is such a beautiful park as well. And who can forget the Ecology Park?

6. The Peterborough Twitterverse  Before moving from Peterborough, I attended a few tweetups (like the one below at Natas Cafe). I really enjoyed meeting all the wonderful and friendly people through Twitter! They are by far the most attentive and caring people that I’ve followed through Twitter. I get a little sad when I see the Peterborough "tweeps" scheduling a tweetup, because I know I won’t be attending. Moral of the story? Follow as many Peterborough people on Twitter that you can find! You’ll meet lots of people with neat interests!

What would you miss most about Peterborough if you left? Comment below.

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Workshop on Invasive Plant Species in the Kawarthas

Lakeland Alliance's Sue Prentice talks about the Dog-Strangling VineSue Prentice of the Lakeland Alliance lead an informative workshop, "Alien Invaders: Invasive Plant Species in Cottage Country", at Ecology Park on Sunday.

Invasive plants species are usually ornamental plants that have been moved from their native habitat to a new area such as our local gardens. Due to their aggressive behaviour, they will overtake local plants and can cause economic, environmental, social or cultural damage.

Plants that have been found locally include the Common and Glossy Buckthorn, the Dog-Strangling Vine, The Norway Maple and recently brought to the spotlight, the Giant Hogweed.

Due to the 2009 Ontario cosmetic pesticides ban, we can't combat the plants with harmful toxins. But Sue Prentice gave suggestions on other methods of cutting them back (for example, being careful about what plants you put in your garden in the first place) and using something called soil solarization to prevent them from bothering you again. —Evan Holt

[Related: The Green Update: Invasive Species]

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