A Bridgenorth Man Devised "The Bacon Experiment" To Lose Weight
/Bridgenorth father Dan Quibell, 42, has struggled with his weight since he was a kid—and was old enough to go to the store and fill up on pop and chips every day.
"Me at age 5 when I was the skinny kid and the fastest runner in kindergarten." —Dan
"Me at age 13 when my doctor told me I was 'obese' when I was eating a big bag of chips, a cholesterol bar and a large pop for lunch every day." —Dan
Dan tried working out in high school and eating better, but that didn't help much at all. He kept gaining weight into adulthood—until he hit 260 pounds.
"That's my wife and myself at near my heaviest weight. At about 250 lbs. from a couple years ago." —Dan
Dan a year ago before he started The Bacon Experiment
"In the past 20 years, I have tried weight watchers, low fat diets, vegetarianism, fruitarian diet and a vegan diet," Dan tells PTBOCanada. "Every crazy thing I came across that seemed to make sense I tried—smoothies, juicing and the list goes on. Some things worked better than others but I always lost muscle and the weight came back FAST."
A year ago, that all changed when Dan says he found a podcast called "The Fat Burning Man" that talked about eating fat to burn fat and get lean.
Dan at the doctor's office the day before he started The Bacon Experiment
The podcast got his attention, and he devised something he calls "The Bacon Experiment", a clever name he came up with.
"I learned as much as I could and started eating bacon and eggs and sausages, and the pounds started melting away," he tells PTBOCanada. "I weighed about 240 lbs when I started, and a year later I was down to 212 lbs. I felt great and had energy to spare so I found myself going to the gym 3 times a week, playing with my kids more at the park and going for walks listening to hundreds of hours of podcasts and audio books."
"I did low carb for a year," Dan adds. "And I ate bacon and eggs for breakfast for most days during that time. But I did bacon only—30 pieces a day—for 30 days straight, from October 1st to October 30th of this year." That pushed Dan's weight down a further 20 pounds, to 193 pounds.
For his experiment, Dan says he used local pastured bacon free of GMOs and free of antibiotics. He avoided processed meats.
Dan the day after his bacon experiment ended
Dan believes bacon can change someone's life if they eat it with the purpose of not eating wheat and sugar. "I ate only bacon for 30 days—60 pounds worth—and lost about 20 lbs of fat and lowered my blood pressure by 30 points. I ate bacon to help others lose weight and regain their health. I ate bacon to make a difference! Am I crazy? Or am I into something here?"
Dan tells PTBOCanada some of his friends have started doing the low carb thing themselves after seeing his results. "Three of them started in the first week of November. All three are down 12-15 lbs each."
picture via The Bacon Experiment Facebook page
Dan is getting more and more interest and inquiries about his Bacon Experiment—he has appeared on The Wolf 101.5 radio in Peterborough to talk about it—and plans to write an E-book about it to share with others.
What do you think about his experiment? Tell us on our Facebook page. (You can contact Dan here.)