Ann Douglas Witnesses Man Approach Woman In Threatening Manner, Calls Police
/Peterborough-based author/parenting columnist Ann Douglas is angry, shaken and worried about something she witnessed Tuesday morning (June 14th) involving a man intimidating a woman.
She posted about it to her Facebook account...
Her Facebook post, which is generating a lot of reaction in support of her stepping up—"We all have to stand up for one another," "Oh My God. Thank you", "We can't NOT take action in such a situation" and "Wow. The world is a scary place. We have to help each other, not turn the other way" are just some of the reactions coming in—said this:
"If you approach a woman in a threatening manner, ignoring her demands that you stay away from her -- and then somehow coerce her to get in your car -- yes, I will take a photo of your license plate before you drive away. And then I will report you to the police. Because I just did."
Ann Douglas
We reached out to Ann about the incident and she told PTBOCanada this:
"I didn't have a lot of time to think, so I just acted instinctively," Douglas tells PTBOCanada. "My gut instincts told me I had to do something—that there was something really wrong about this situation. He seemed really threatening. I picked up that vibe as he stormed past me on the sidewalk and marched across the lawn toward the woman, ignoring her demands that she leave him alone. I didn't feel safe enough to confront him directly, so I pulled out my phone, snapped a photo of the car and the license plate, and called the police. It wouldn't have felt right to look the other way and simply go on with my day. Everyone has the right to go about their day safely, without the threat of intimidation. I don't know the backstory here—what was going on with these two people—but I know what I saw. And what I saw was really threatening and disturbing. And that's why I felt the need to get involved."
We commend Ann and others like her for being pro-active and not turning the other way.