Ryan Reynolds Sends Encouragement Video To 14-Year-Old Whose Family Died in Highway 7 Crash

Renowned Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds sent a video of encouragement to 14-year-old Rowghan MacHart who suffered critical injuries and lost her family in a Highway 7 crash in late November.

(from left to right) Johnathan MacDonnell, Rowghan MacHart, Riddick Hart and Stefphanie Hart. The family accident occurred near the Blue Jay Motel in Otonabee-South Monaghan Township. Photo courtesy of Kathryn Wilson.

According to the GoFundMe page run by MacHart’s cousin Tanya Hart, the video was sent to her on Thursday that, ‘brought a smile to her face.’

The update says MacHart has undergone five surgeries in the span of just over three weeks.

“Rowghan is so strong and hasn’t complained once,” said Hart on the GoFundMe page. “She has smiled and made jokes, continuing to amaze the doctors, nurses and everyone that surrounds her.”

On the evening of Nov. 22, Rowghan lost her father Jonathan MacDonnell, mother Stefphanie Hart and brother 18-year-old Riddick Hart (also known as the MacHarts) to a head-on crash with a pickup truck. The truck driver was identified as Jason Schmidt of Hastings who also died as a result of the accident.

Rowghan was airlifted to SickKids hospital after the accident as the only survivor. After her third stomach surgery, doctors fear she may never be able to talk again according to a GoFundMe update.

The GoFundMe was originally created to costs and care for Rowghan. The $10,000 was shattered and over $87,000 was raised. A funeral for the three lost family members has been postponed until Rowghan is well enough to attend.

“We are sorry that we have to delay the services for Stefphanie, Jon and Riddick into the new year,” said Tanya. “However, it is so important that Rowghan be healthy and stable enough to be in attendance, in order to continue to process and grieve her beloved family.”

A second GoFundMe was created on Nov. 23 by Kathryn Wilson to help cover Rowghan’s grandparents’ expenses while they are in Toronto with her. The GoFundMe is paying for the hotel, food costs and planning of three funerals. Roughly just under $9,000 has been raised of the $10,000 goal.

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