PVNCCDSB Recognizes and Honours Student Leadership

As part of Catholic Education Week, Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board (PVNCCDSB) honoured 36 students with a Catholic Student Leadership Award during a ceremony at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School in Peterborough on Wednesday.

(Back from left) Director of Education Stephen O’Sullivan, Peterborough Trustee Loretta Durst, Leigha Cheng (St. Patrick CES), Lyla Mahoney (St. John CES), Andrew Iammancini (St. Peter CSS), Blake Ferguson (St. Paul CES) and Superintendent Jeannie Armstrong.

(Front from left) Aabish Ali (Holy Cross CSS), Sophie Lemoire (Immaculate Conception CES, Joy Davis (Monsignor O’Donoghue CES), Gracie-May Hermer (St. Alphonsus CES), Alivia Friesen (St. Anne CES) and Sonny Gillis (St. Catherine CES). Photo courtesy of PVNCCDBS.

One student was selected from each elementary and secondary school and winners were presented with a special medallion. Award recipients were nominated by principals, teachers and, in some cases, fellow students.

PVNCCDSB says that each student demonstrated outstanding qualities in Catholic leadership, family commitment, involvement in school affairs, involvement in community activities and dedication to a difficult situation or task.

“In celebrating our student leaders during Catholic Education Week, we are reminded of the vibrant role faith plays not only in education but in shaping individuals who are committed to making a difference in their communities,” said Kevin MacKenzie, board chairperson. “These students, recognized for their exemplary leadership and dedication, illustrate the profound impact of our Catholic values in action. Their achievements reflect a dedication to service, community, and a deep-rooted belief in the power of faith to inspire positive change. It is with immense pride that we honour their contributions and look forward to the continued influence they will have on their schools and beyond.” 

The following is a complete list of students who were recognized:

  • Elliott Banville, St. Michael CES, Cobourg

  • Brett Mather, St. Teresa CES, Peterborough

  • Gracelynn Gilbank, St. Dominic CES, Lindsay

  • Mya Benson, St. Joseph CES, Cobourg

  • Sophie Surerus, St. Paul CES, Lakefield

  • Alexis Sultan-Khan, St. Joseph CES, Bowmanville

  • Joy Davis, Monsignor O’Donoghue CES, Peterborough

  • Benjamin Humphries, St. Elizabeth CES, Bownmanville

  • Gracie-May Hermer, St. Alphonsus CES, Peterborough

  • Chloe Williamson, St. Joseph CES, Douro

  • Abigayle Jennings, St. Luke CES, Downeyville

  • Leigha Cheng, St. Patrick CES, Peterborough

  • George MacDonald, St. John Paul II CES, Lindsay

  • Faith Mullin, St. Mary CES, Grafton

  • Tyler Young, St. Martin CES, Ennismore

  • Lilyan Stewart, Notre Dame CES, Cobourg

  • Sophia Jilesen, St. Anthony CES, Port Hope

  • Blake Ferguson, St. Paul CES, Peterborough

  • Ivan Black, St. Mary CES, Lindsay

  • Stella Maria Nekkers, Good Shepherd CES, Courtice

  • Lyla Mahoney, St. John CES, Peterborough

  • Sophie Lemoire, Immaculate Conception CES, Peterborough

  • Alivia Friesen, St. Anne CES, Peterborough

  • Mason Doucette, St. Mother Teresa CES, Courtice

  • Tyson Chisholm, Holy Family CES, Bowmanville

  • Jolene Payne, St. Paul CES, Norwood

  • Jazmine Pereira, Monsignor Leo Cleary CES, Courtice

  • Madyson Shea, St. Francis of Assisi CES, Newcastle

  • Sonny Gillis, St. Catherine CES, Peterborough

  • Raegan Larcombe, St. Mary CES, Campbellford

  • Aabish Ali, Holy Cross CSS, Peterborough

  • Samantha Tungcol, St. Stephen CSS, Bowmanville

  • Reagan Lusted, St. Thomas Aquinas CSS, Lindsay

  • Andrew Iammancini, St. Peter CSS, Peterborough

  • Elijah Deryaw, St. Mary CSS, Cobourg

  • Isabella Ciancone, Holy Trinity CSS, Courtice

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